Cuddles Clingy!Chrollo x reader Modern AU

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Alrighty guys here's another chapter for this book I hope y'all are enjoying this and leaving requests too because I can't be the mastermind of everything but yea soo on with the story


I was at home doing my school work. College is so hard especially when your in a science major. And even when you have a very and I mean VERY clingy boyfriend. Every time he comes home from doing his dangerous things he comes to me and annoys me say that he wants cuddles and kisses. Even though he's the boss of one of the most dangerous mafia's in the country he sure is a softy. And whenever I tell him no he gives me the most adorable face in the world and says "but pleaseeeeee" with puppy dog eyes and all and how the hell can you say no to that.

But anyways I was in the home office finishing up my work and I hear the door open and close and then hear a "honey I'm home". Theres Chrollo, he comes into the office and hugs me from behide. "Hi baby~" he says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Chrollo" I said continuing my work. "I want cuddles" he whined "not now hun I'm almost done then we can cuddle I promise" I say "but I want them nowww" he whined even more. "Well you will have to be patient then I'm almost done. (Bro this sounds like Gon why am I doing this. But like I low key feel like he would act like Gon in private tho, does anyone agree)

"Fine I'll wait" he said defeated and let me go. Then I hear something getting picked up and being sat down right next to me. I turn my head to see Chrollo sitting down in a chair and watching me finish my work. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and continued my work. A few minutes later I finished it and looked at him "all done ok now we can cuddle" Chrollo's eyes got wide and he picked me up and took me to our shared bedroom.

He laided me down and he then gets on the bed and we spoon each other him being the big spoon and me being the little spoon. "How was work today" I asked "well it was hard of course. The other mafia tried to take over again but Uvogin took care of them." He said calmly, I turned around and said "what do you mean 'took care of them'" I asked confused "well he killed them. Honestly Y/N you can be pretty dense sometimes" he chuckled "I thought you weren't going to kill anybody anymore" I pouted "I'm sorry baby" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Just for that" I got out of his embrace and stood up "no cuddles for a whole week" I said crossing my arms. "What baby nooo pleaseee" Chrollo pouted "nope you said that you weren't going to kill no one and you did soo no" I walked out of the room into the kitchen looking at the clock. It was 6:00 pm, shoot I got to get dinner ready. As I was getting dinner prepared Chrollo came out still whining about no cuddles for a week "but baby they started it how was I suppose to react keep them alive. And it wasn't entirely my fault. He gets out of control and does whatever he wants to do." "Yes but you have the order so he wouldn't of have done that unless you didn't say that." I said not looking at him.

"Please my love I'll do anything don't punish me like thisss please" he pouted I can't look at him because if I do I will crack and I can't crack. He said he wasn't going to kill anyone else but he did and he need to be punished. "No honey and that's final" I said focusing on the dinner. He whined even more after I said that "wow even though your this big tough guy that can kill anyone in an instant you sure are very clingy." I laughed. He then hugged me from behide and whispered in my ear "if you don't cuddle with me right now then I'll kill you right here right now"

"Nice try. But unless you want to starve then you might want to let me cook." I said giggling, he has done this many of times and it doesn't effect me at all well it did when we first started dating but now I know he isn't going to do anything so Im chilling."no I will do it seriously" he said letting me go and getting out his gun from out of his pocket.

I turned around "then shoot me" and I stood there waiting even though nothing is going to happen. Then I felt something go through my chest and it hurt badly. I looked down and saw a bullet sized wound in my chest. I looked at Chrollo and fell to the ground. "That's what you get for underestimating me and look now your going to die. If you just gave me cuddles then we wouldn't be here now would we" he said

And then everything went black

How was that y'all nah I'm just playing that's not how this is going to end let continue now shall we

He stood there with the gun looking into my eyes while I had my arms crossed. He then put the gun back in his pocket "dang it I thought that would work" he said pouting. He's so weird but I love this weirdo. "I knew you wouldn't do it" I said. Then he continued to whine all throughout me cooking dinner and through us eating dinner to me getting ready for bed.

"But pleaseeeeeeeee" "But noooooooo" why is he so persistent. Then I looked at him and he pouted with puppy dog eyes. Damn it why did I look at him "but please" he said doing the face, I looked at him for a while until I gave in "fine we can cuddle" he jumped and quickly got into bed. I slowly got into bed and turned around but I didn't feel anything. "After all that whining your not even going to cuddle" I said then he said "turn around" I did as told and then he wrapped his arms around me and just looked into my eyes "when you turned around earlier while we were talking about my day I thought this was so cute so I could see everything I loved" he said softly, I smiled and pecked him on the lips gently

I like this too

Alrighty guys what did y'all think. I honestly really liked this I feel like I did pretty good. Sorry if he is a little OOC I just feel like Chrollo would be like Gon when he's alone with his lover but yea soo y'all can go ahead anndddd

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