Chapter 21

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We drove a lot, stopping in cities on our way there, Stefan and Klaus found werewolves while I stayed at a hotel, eating and sleeping and practicing a little magic. We finally arrived to Chicago and I was driving towards the bar Klaus wanted to go to. We had been driving the whole day at maximum speed, compelling everyone who dared to stop us. It probably wasn't wise considering I just learned to drive but we were vampires so we could take a little car exploding or whatever a car does.

We were just entering Chicago when we had a less than pleasing conversation.

"Finally! I thought the ride would never end!" Klaus said extremely happy.

"Thank you mint." Stefan had kept up the pet name thing the whole ride. "or shall I say peanut butter?" Just as he said that my breath hitched. I turned to him and gave him my scariest glare.

"Don't call me that." I hissed. I winced internally at the memory.

*Flashback * 1898

I was running from Ross, he was a werewolf and I had been there for him every step of the process, I'd known him for 7 months, the first one being the first time he changed. We were just friends but I slowly felt the relationship shifting into something more serious by the second.

"Oh come one sweetheart," he said chasing after me. I laughed a loud full laugh and stopped running. He was just about to get to me when I threw myself backwards; he caught me just in time before I hit the floor. "Now why would you do that?" He asked as he sat down.

"Because sweetheart is too common, everyone uses it, I want something else."

"What would you like me to call you?" I sat down next to him, smoothing my long dress. I thought for a moment.

"I don't know. It has to be something we both love to eat."

"Hmm, Chocolate? No I don't feel it. Apple? It doesn't really ring."

This went on for a while until he chose one

"Peanut butter? We both love peanut butter, that's for sure." I nodded eagerly, jumping on top of him, his back hitting the soft grass.

"I'm your peanut butter." I said giggling

"Mine and no one else's." We both laughed.

Not long after that we kissed for the first time, back in the day I was all about taking it slow, we did have all the time in the world, that's what we thought. Not long after that he died. Got killed by another vampire, a vampire and I made sure I killed him myself. I blinked rapidly and got back to the car. I noticed Stefan and Klaus were staring at me intently. I sighed and parked outside of a bar.

"I need a drink." I mumbled as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of my pretty car.

"We all do." Klaus agreed, pinching the bridge of his nose "I can hardly stand both of you for 10 minutes and I was stuck in a car with you for hours." He walked into the bar and I locked the car, not noticing Stefan waiting for me.

"You ok? You seemed to have spaced out back there." I shrugged not really knowing what to say. I decided to tell him the truth for a change

"Just having emotional flashbacks, you know, the usual." I hurried behind Klaus, not really wanting to stay on the topic any longer.

Just before entering the bar I realized that I wasn't in the mood for a bar, and walked a little before finding a restouraeoureant of my liking. I ate there in peaceful quiet, scrolling through tumblr on my phone. I also got fancy wine, I was feeling fancy.

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