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A/N: I was rereading the story when u found a gigantic mistake. It said she was like 300 years old, she isnt. She's like 1000 i hope you didnt get confused. I did fix it but anyway.

"So the towns people willingly gave you blood?" Klaus asked me. Elijah only spoke when he had questions, the rest of the time he amused himself by watching Klaus and me talk.

"Yes they kindof workshiped the supernatural creatures."

Klaus seemed a little unsure of his next question."And.....what about your ermm mother? I suppose she isnt alive. "

I tired to answer with as little emotion as I could. "Well I suppose you know about the Hunters. Y'know the badass strong sons of bitches who kill vampires? Well one of the first five came for me. They were practicly made to kill me. I was almost 13 years old. My mom hid me and she wouldnt tell the hunter where I was. He tried to torture the answer out of her, but she wouldnt tell him. She wrote a letter for me. The only reason I've made it through my loneliness is because she gave her life for me and I cant let her down." There was like a two minute silence and a little tension. I decided to break it. "Sort of like Harry Potter." Elijah smiled sadly before talking.

"Your mother was a very strong, selfless and coragous woman. I had the honor of meeting her and she was very careing. The day she left town my mother wanted togo looking for her, but my father said it was dangerous because as you may know, it was the night of the full moon. I can assure you our village wasn't the same without her." I wanted to cry, I knew my mother was wonderful but I had never heard someone tell me how special she was. I merely nodded.

"What about your aging?"Klaus asked me looking at me curiosly.

"What about my aging?"I asked back.

"You look about 16. Who chose at what age you stopped aging?"

"I guess I did. I can age a litttle more i guess but I dont see the point." I replied carelessly."I dont suppose you have alcohol here right?" Elijah looked at me incredosly. I felt really judged. "What?!"

Elijah sighed and walked to what I thought was the kitchen.

"So I guess we have to do the whole father/daughter bonding right?"I cant believe he just suggested that. I wast that good in bondig but i decided to play along, if i wanted a family I had to start trusting.

"Ok. Lets start with you telling me why you, the big horrible kill-everyone-type-of-guy hybird is here in Mystic Falls?"

"Directly to the point arnt we?" he let out a small laugh before leaning forward and resting his elbows in his knees "Well to be honest I'm not exactly a hybird yet. You see my dear mother put a curse on me. In order to get my wolf side back I need to break it."

"Ahh yeah I heard about that." He raised hus eyebrows."But I thought it would've been broken centuries ago."

"Well I tried but a little someone named Katerina Petrova ruined the plan."

"Ofcourse Katherine would do that" I said taking a sip of the glass Elijah brought.

When I said her name he looked at me. "You knew Katerina?"

"I still know her actually. She's alot of fun. I met her when I thought my, our friend Tatia was still alive, maybe you tuned her or something." I took another sip, i was too concentrated on mi story to notice that the drink was a very sweet wine.So much for alcohol, i expected vodka or something but the wine was alright. "Good wine by the way. So where was I........Ah yes. Lets say I wanted to the slut."

Klaus looked amused by my unfriendliness to Tatia, but Elijah insted was wearing a poker face, I thought he used it to hide. disapointment. Well he wasn't going to be much fun.

"Look guys," I said while standing up "I enjoy this bonding thing, I really do buuuut I've been here for like 2 hours. I need air. Who knows, maybe I'll make friends!" I was about to opend the door when Elijah stood up.

"Do not kill anyone, you see there's a council who kills vampires."

"Relax dear uncle, I'm not hungry......yet" with that i sped out of the house.


"Excuse me?" I tried to be as friendly as I could with an old lady. "Do you know where the Salvatore Boarding house is?"

The lady smiled sweetly at me and answered "About half a mile that way, just follow that road." I thanked her and waited until nobody was in sight until I ran to the house.

"Knok knock!" i said as I opened the glass doors. "Ohh Daaaaamooonn!" I sang in a singsong voice.

"What!?" he was pouring himself a glass of burbon, I believe."Oh you're the crazy stalker girl from the grill. Im not even going to ask how you knew where I lived"

"Actually I didnt. An old friendly lady told me"

"Damon I didn't know you had friends." A cute red-haired guy walked into the room. Now thats more like it.

"She isn't my friend, shes a crazy stalker whom i'd like to kill.but i wont because she's a vampire and im not sure how old she is exactly" e said glaring at me.

I ignored him and walked to the cute guy. "I'm Amber and you are cute." He shaked my hand but let it go after like 2 seconds.

"Actualy I'm Stefan Salvatore." Hey! that guy could resist my charm! that never happens unless....he is gay! yup the only explanation.

"Ummm....Stefan what exactly did i miss?" A girly voice said. I turned to see a girl who was exactly like Katherine. I decided to play a joke on the brothers.

"Katerina! Long time no see. I don't like your new hair though." i scoweled and went to hug her. I resisted the urge to laugh at the look on Damon's face. He wasn't believing this one bit and he looked concerned and hateful. I'm sure he was hateful towards Elena because nobody can hate me, imean im loveley.

I let Elena go, but still kept my hands on her shoulders. "Got both Salvatores wrapped around your little finger, i see. Right Elena?" when i said her name she tried to get away but I was faster and pressed her back against the wall.

"Listen and listen carefully. Im not fond of your bloodline, all I hate exept one you'd better be careful because I kill you in a snap." To show my point i snapped my fingers and let her go. I laughed as I took Damon's glass from his hand. I raised it. "Toast because of our future friendship." I recieved different lookes. Damon's very judgy and I bet he was dabating inwardly about my sanity. Stefan looked confused and slightly amused. Elena......well Elena looked worried angry and a little scared. "Arn't you guys adorable" I said with sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"What do you want?" I looked incredosly at the black haired vampire.

"Urghh! I want to be friends! Isn't it ovious??" The last part I pronounced it with a 'duh' tone.

"How did you come inside?" Stefan asked.


"You came inside and you're a vampire and the house is Elena's how did you get in."

"Well this was inevitable. Plot twist: im not a vampire."

"Plottwist:you are because i saw you compell that girl in the bar. " Damon raised his eyebrows when he said this, mocking my tone.

"Actually i arnt." I stopped for a moment. "Is that gramaticly correct?" i shrighed and walked through the living room checking the little things out. There was a really nice thing that looked like one of those candle holder. Pretty cute actually.

"Well.....?" Dammy's voice hrought me back to reality.
"Well....what?" I asked slightly confused.
"You arn't a vampire."
"Then tell us what you are."
I remembered the whole thing. "Oh right. Im just 1/4 vampire. "

"Is that even possible?" It was like the first time she had talked in lile forever. I looked at Elena incredously.

"No, not at all, how could it be possible?" i said with plenty of sarcasm. "Yes it is possible thats why I'm her it what i am. Seriously what do you guys see in her?" i turned to the salvatores. "She's stupider than what I thought."

Damon tried to deny his feelings, I knew better. "I dont like-"
"Yeah Damon, whatever lets you sleep at night."

"I dont believe you!" Elena thought she was soo special. In a few decades another Elena/Katherine/Tatia/Bitch would appear. She's just another one.

I couldn't help but get angry at her. I shoved her against the wall. "Might as well kill you now" just when I was about to snap her neck someone stopped me.

"No.Don't kill her"


Helllooo loveleyyyssss. Im sorry i couldnt udate yesterday because my dad got angry at my brothers and he disconnected the router of the wifi thingy and so yeah

Next chapter will probably be up by thursday.

Who stopped dear Amber from killing Elena? we all know elena cant be killed.....not yet. I revises this chapter more than the others...jk im lazy i just reread over it once im sorry for ant misteaks <<i wrote that worng <<that to

Anyways remember to eat atleas 100grams of chocolate aday and eat enough sugar to make you sweet

Lovessssss and kissesssss xoxoxo muaa

Clarity: A Klaus' daughter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now