Chapter 18

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“No, nope, no, eww, god no, urgh, hmmm, nope, maybe, hell to the no” I had convinced Stefan to take me shopping, I didn’t exactly need him there but seeing as I’m lazy and bored and couldn’t think of a reason not to, he was currently holding up shirts; the few things I did like he handed to me, the others he threw to the progressively growing pile.

“Is there anything you like?” he said a little tired of it all while he kept showing me shirts.

“Yess yes that one!” I said as he showed me a red crop top with ‘I don’t bite’ written in black.

“A little ironic don’t you think?” he asked before throwing the shirt at me, not really wanting an answer. I shrugged and put it besides me with the other shirts I did like.

“Don’t you like this one?” he was holding up another crop top, this one was brown with tiny pink ‘forever’ symbols across the whole shirt. I looked at it for a moment before nodding.

“Great taste Stefers.” I congratulated him. After I got quite a few shirts I moved on to pants. This I had to do myself, so Stefan waited in a chair holding all the tops I wanted to buy.

            I chose ripped black skinny jeans, beige skinny jeans, purple skinny jeans with silver details and light blue skinny jeans. And a few leggings because why not. I wasn’t a shorts/skirt kind of girl.

            I also decided to get another pair of shoes, ended up buying a pair of converse, vans, ankle boots and flats. 

After I few hours I had everything I thought I wanted.  It was now right around noon and I decided to take Stefan to lunch, he was holding all my bags and I felt like he deserved a little something.

“I’ll have a big portion of Buffalo wings and nachos. Oh and lemonade please” I said smiling sweetly at our waiter. He had shaggy blonde hair and tattoos peeking out of his shirt.

“I’ll just have mmm pasta with whatever sauce. And a coke” He muttered.

“Please.” I finished for him. The waiter nodded and walked away.

I thought we weren’t going to talk but Stefan definitely had other plans. “So I can’t help but think about what you told Damon.” I freezed. Maybe he heard. “You have been saving us, I mean, not directly but avoiding getting us killed, even Elena. You know she’s alive.” He didn’t. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Well as I said, Damon is my friend. And I can’t let you die. We might not be besties but I do consider you kind of my friend.” It was mostly true.

“Okay but what about Elena?”

“I could’ve told him.”

“Buuut you didn’t.

“I could’ve.”

“Yet you didn’t”

“How can you be so sure, hm?”

“I know you didn’t.” he leaned on the table closer to me “I for sure know you didn’t. I just don’t understand why. What team are you in?”

“I, Stefan, am in my own team. I didn’t tell him because I suspect something but I’m not saying anything until I’m sure. That’s why, because it won’t benefit me.” I said leaning closer as well, sounding very convincing.

“Really? Huh, and I thought your spoilt little selfish girl was an act.” Uh ho, about to be caught. I didn’t give in though.

“Think what you want Stefan. Anyway, why do you care the motives behind my actions? All you should care about is that your fake little doppelganger is safe… as long as I want her to be.”

            “I don’t know why but I can’t bring myself to believe that. You claim to hate people who pretend to be someone they’re not yet here you are, pretending to be uninterested and selfish and vain, pretending that you don’t care, when, I know for fact, that you do. That you do care and that you think of others before yourself” He was staring directly to me now, a light smirk playing on his lips. 

            “I’m not Elena, Stefan-” he interrupted me and kept going

            “I know you aren’t; you’re different, you lack social skills and suck at being nice, you are selfish sometimes and really spoilt and that’s okay, but no matter how much you try to hide your caring heart, love for others, hurt, and insecurity it still shows.” Great. Now I was about to cry. God no! Not in front of a guy.

            “You really believe that don’t you?” he nodded. “Then sorry to disappoint you.” I grabbed my bag and ran of at an inhuman speed. I ran a lot, now sitting at the edge of a very tall building.

            Now that I was alone I could let the tears fall freely, stupid humanity. I cried for quite awhile. I wasn’t sure why it affected me so much, he just said the truth, and it wasn’t even a bad truth, it was just the truth. Probably because you know it doesn’t change anything, it will always be Elena.

I heard bags ruffling and turned, very surprised to find the copper haired Salvatore with my shopping bags in hand “You left before the food came, but don’t worry, I asked it for take out,” he said lifting one of the bags. “Your lemonade however, I left it there.” He put the bags down and walked closer to me. “Why are you so scared to open up?” his voice was now quiet, as if he were scared I’d scream.

            “Because when I did she died, when I did again, he left, the third time’s the charm right? Well not for me, when I did again, alone again, and I tried once more, they didn’t care.” I was gradually raising my voice, tears were falling down my face a lot more now, thinking of my mom, friends and boyfriend I lost after opening up to them. “Why do you care anyway? The moment Klaus lets you leave your going to go running right back to Elena. You’ll barely even remember me and the time I opened up. You’ll have your friends and brother and your girlfriend and I’m going to stay right here, following my father around like a lost puppy until he no longer has any use for me. Then what? I’m going to go off alone, again, but that’s not your business so why would you care?” It was pathetic. I was pathetic. I kept sobbing and didn’t even cover it up; there I was, crying like a baby, one of the strongest creatures on earth yet there I was feeling alone. What made it even more pathetic was when Stefan wrapped his arms around me, and there I was pathetically sobbing into his chest for a very long time.


But is it really?

AN: omg I really want them to be together but I’m trying to keep it real and similar to the tv show. I really want to watch tvd again but Internet

also amber opens up (kind of) 


Amber teaches us a very important lesson: it’s ok to cry, even if you’re a badass.


When I started the story I never thought I’d have amber cry into Stefan’s chest but it kind of shows how I kind of changed my way of thinking, it’s ok to cry idk It’s getting too deep for me now byee commentttttt!! (also check out me other fic)

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