Chapter 15

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AN: another chapter whoop whoop just some bonding please comment your thoughts on Stefan/Amber and maybe come up with a ship name ;)

            Me and Stefan kept having fun, we were both too into our personal party that we didn’t notice Klaus wasn’t back yet. We even created a drinking game.

            “Okay, take a shot for every time you felt like killing a family member then take a sip for every time that family member felt like killing you” I said, laughing. It was based on a human drinking game but we added the ‘take a sip of blood’. I drank two shots and cero blood because, let’s face it, I’m too adorable and not one of my few family members would want to kill me.

            “All the alcohol in the world wouldn’t be enough for all the times I wanted to kill Damon” he said, gulping down another shot “and these three here would die if I took a sip every time Damon has wanted to kill me.” He was now chuckling “You know I actually tried killing him once, the only dead one ended being Zach, distant relative of mine. The worst part? Even after he killed my best friend and has been in love with two of my girlfriends I still offered myself to Klaus to save his selfish little ass.”

            “I don’t think he’s that selfish, like, I know I just met him but if he were really that selfish he would stop looking for you and be the rebound Elena would need. And if you ask, out of you three I think Elena is the selfish-est.” I said frankly.

            “Why do you hate her so much? It seems to me you hate her for the similarities she has with Katherine but yet, Katherine is your best friend. Why?”

            “Because she’s stringing you both along, she’s selfish, she thinks she’s the queen of the world and has the right to boss everyone around, she makes decisions for everyone around her and manipulates everyone. She pretends to be an angel, the poor innocent Elena who is stuck in a supernatural fight, trying to protect everyone around her and she’s a bitch. Most of those traits, Katherine has, but I love her for it because she embraces it, she will tell you she’s a bitch and she will manipulate you and be proud of it, she will make decisions for you but she admits it. She doesn’t pretend to be someone she’s not.  You know that, though. She played you an Damon and told you, if I remember correctly, she said she got to make all the rules, but you knew that didn’t you?” he stared at me for a moment “That’s why I enjoy your company so much now, Steff,  you can think what you want, say Klaus compelled you but in the end, you chose to be here and this is how you are, you’re embracing it, and even when you’re not on human blood, it’s weird but you’re still you, it’s like you have two personalities and no matter which one you are, you embrace it and I like that, I’m attracted to people who are real.

            He was deep in thought for a moment “Then why do you dislike Bonnie so much.” He asked, genuinely interested for the answer.

“Because she’s a fake ass bitch. She claims to hate this, she plays the poor little e victim who was sucked into all the vampire drama but when she isn’t included she hates it, again, not embracing her true self.”

            “Okay but wasn’t what you did fake to? Playing nice and sweet around Caroline and compelling Jeremy?”

            “That’s different, they don’t actually believe any of that shit and that’s the point, it’s not a 24/7 thing. You’re a vampire Stefan, and you must admit, you love the game. For most if not all vampires, the chase and game is better than actually catching the pray and winning. It’s sick, if you ask me, but it’s the truth”

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