Chapter 22

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I no longer knew what I believed.

“Amber don’t listen to her she’s just trying to get you on her side, to use you.” I turned to Stefan, furious.

“Use me? Isn’t that exactly what you’ve been doing? Being extra nice with me, using my weakness to your favor just so I could save Elena’s ass once again? Let’s not talk about using me.” He opened his mouth but I didn’t give him a chance to talk, turning to Gloria. “The stone, the big one, what is it for?” I asked her

“It’s very old, connects you to the spirits, you can channel from them and communicate, you can do so much.” She walked slowly towards me

“The blue wood?”

“It’s ashes let you see through people’s minds, explore their thought, as well as control them.

“Colored mud?”

“Represents the different species. Red: vampire, brown: werewolves, Green: witches, white: human, blue: spirits.”

“The liquid things?”

“Can be poison or medicine, depending on what spell you cast on them. I can get you a grimmore.” Her offer was very tempting, everything inside me told me to go to her, but a small part told me not to, I looked at Stefan, who was on the floor, still agonizing and weak. I then looked at Gloria, a small smile on her lips, eyes full of knowledge that I couldn’t turn down. I would hate myself later on but I realized I couldn’t exactly make another choice.

            I lifted my arm fast, Gloria flying to the wall, smacking her head, I picked Stefan up and ran back to the apartment. Before I could receive a mouthful form Klaus for lying to him or whatever I ran to my car, I started it ready to leave when Stefan stood in front of me.

“You’re leaving?”

“Yes. To my hotel, to have some time alone, regret decisions, the usual.”

“You had me scared back there for a moment, thought you’d believe her and leave me there.” He leaned on the door.

“Oh believe me, I was.” I said, “Now if you’ll excuse me I have places to go, people to avoid,” he ignored my attempt to leave.

“Thank you.” I rolled my eyes and sped of, not really caring if the wheels of my car went over his toes. Whatever, he’s a vampire, he’ll survive.

            I passed through a Wal-Mart, getting some food for the night. I got to my hotel and had a supernatural marathon until the morning, not really in the mood to sleep. I spent weeks like that, in Chicago, having fun and relaxing, avoiding Stefan and Klaus.  

It was 9am when I received a call, I groaned as I paused Sam and Dean in the middle of the action.

“What?” I hissed into the phone.

“Why the sour tone, love?” Klaus asked through the phone. Not really in the mood for chitchat I got straight to the point.

“What do you want?” I said, grabbing some clothes I’d change into after I showered.

“Well, Stefan and I are going to Mystic Falls, got some business to attend to. Are you joining us?”

“Ok. Pick you up in an hour.” I hung up before he could reply and jumped into the shower.

            Surely enough, an hour later I was bonking on the horn, they both rushed out of the building at human speed. I got out of the car, grabbing my backpack and sitting behind the front passenger seat. They both looked surprised and confused. I rolled my eyes and stretched my legs over the seat.

“I’m tired. You guys drive.” I said, not looking at ether of them. We started driving in silence; I was drifting of to sleep when they started talking.

“What happened with Gloria?” My father asked the Salvatore.

“She was torturing me, Amber got there, she untied me, and Gloria convinced her that she could do so much better, tried to bribe her to do what she said. Amber asked her about the things you got her, Gloria answered, I thought Amber was going to listen to her, and leave us both behind, that’s what Gloria suggested, instead Amber grabbed me and ran.”

“Has she said anything since?”

“Barely. As soon as we got back she went to the hotel. She’s mad at me. She thinks I’ve been using her to keep Elena alive.” A few minutes passed before Klaus spoke again.

“Have you?”

“Have you what?” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, I had them closed, they thought I was asleep.

“Been using her to protect the doppelganger?”

“What! No, no of course not, yeah, she’s been saving our asses a lot lately, protecting us from you, but me being nice to her has nothing to do with that.”

“Really? So you’d still like her even if she didn’t hide the doppelganger.”

“I’d probably be mad.”

“So you like her?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“So you hate her?”

“No, I don’t hate her. I like her, okay?”

“How much?” I was really interested in the answer, and glad that my dad asked that question.

“Look, I’m not talking to you about liking a girl, specially not if she’s your daughter and specially not if she’s in the car.” After a few minutes they didn’t talk and I fell asleep. I probably slept a lot if I woke up when we got to mystic falls. The sun was going down, I checked my phone, it was almost 7pm. Jeremy, a.k.a. spy #1, sent me a text saying Elena and her friends where at the senior prank night. We got to the mansion and I showered and changed, Klaus wanted to crash prank night. I got changed and put the vervain Klaus had given me a while back in my pocket and stuffed a few items in my purse, just in case.

            I went down the staircase as I put on my jacket. A blonde vampire sat there, she had perfect features and curly hair. She was wearing very stylish clothing.

“Um hi.” I greeted her; I felt she was a vampire, an old one.

“Who are you?” she said, standing up, she looked quite badass, I knew there was something I liked about her. Before I could answer her question, my dad walked inside the room, answering for me.

“She’s Amber, mine and Lillian’s daughter. Quite a mystery actually, part vampire, wolf and witch. It’s been a long time but I’m sure you remember Lillian from our human years, you and her used to be friends, right?”

“That’s impossible, she would’ve told me if she was pregnant!” Rebekah hissed

“She fled town the same day she knew, sister, I hadn’t herd a word until a few month ago when this one appeared at our door.”

“Very well the, pleasure to meet you. I’m your aunt Rebekah, but don’t call me ‘aunt’, makes me feel old.”

“I wonder why…”Klaus muttered.

“Shut up Niklaus.” I laughed at them as they kept bickering. Not long after that we arrived to Mystic Falls High, where the now seniors played pranks on the –not- seniors.

 AN: not that long but i'm still working on the next chapter, i'm excited bc it's when all the no-emotion-stefan shit goes down and i'm still not sure what place amber is going to take in all that so yep. also pls check out my other fic, it's about elena's and jeremy's sister and it will (eventually) be a klaus love story :)


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