Chapter 12

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I ran at full speed to the mansion. When I got there I saw Klaus and Stefan in the living room so I jumped to my room. I packed my bag, just the essentials, MacBook, chargers, car keys, and few other things, including my new and very loved credit card. As soon as I heard Klaus and Stefan leaving I jumped into my very fabulous car and followed them, stalked them from afar, they killed a few people, I spent about 10 hours watching their repetitive cycle, Klaus telling Stefan to kill someone, Stefan losing control and then ripping people apart, it was getting boring and way to predictable.

I was tired of waiting in the car outside bars where they stopped, I was about to get out when I saw them closer than I had, they were sucking dry a group of drunk men in an alleyway, they were compelling them and biting them, not surprising, what did surprise me was that one of them escaped quietly and they didn't noticed. Letting out an annoying huff I got out of my car and sped up to the not so pretty looking man who was probably in his mid-thirties.

I looked him directly in the eye "Do as I say and shut up" He nodded and I grabbed his arm and made my way to where my father and the cute vampire were, they were so engulfed in bloodsucking that I had to cough to grab their attention.

"Ehem" They both looked up at me with very surprised looks on their faces and dropped the bodies to the ground "So I get you guys are on a ripper binge and old friends and everything but at least be a little careful, this guy here went running away and you two didn't even notice.

"What are you doing here?" Klaus sounded calm but I knew so much better than that, he was furious, what I didn't get was, why?

"Well I heard you guys went on a blood vacation and I just couldn't miss the fun. I hope you don't mind that I tag along." I said smiling sweetly at him. I was here and I wasn't going to leave. Dear daddy of mine was going to answer but I didn't give him a chance as I bit down on the man's neck I didn't want to kill him, I had other plans. In a blink of an eye I was in front of Stefan with the man in my arms, I smiled him my bloody smile and pushed the man into his arms.

An hour later we were sitting in a bar. Turns out Stefan did most of the blood sucking earlier so Klaus was in the corner draining a girl while Stefan and I and a few other people played a little game, "Okay the first one who finishes the shot gets another one free" the bartender said, she was really pretty, short blonde hair and delicate face, she reminded me of Rose, I hadn't seen her in decades, little did I know a werewolf killed her. The bartender poured us shots and counted to three.

As soon as she said three I lifted up the little cup and dumped the strong liquid into my mouth. I set de glass so hard on the table it cracked a little but I did win, Stefan was a close second.

After a few more rounds of our game Stefan turned to me "You should be passed out by now" he was looking at me with this look, I could tell he turned it off.

"Oh boy, I've had years of experience, if you now what I mean" I said and leaned a little closer to him "Very few things make me pass out" I stood up and walked off, I knew he was looking at me so I swayed my hips a little.

I hadn't even spent a full day with them and I knew it was going to be fun, well that's what I thought, until the next morning I found myself walking through the woods.

"This is boring, I liked ripping people's throats" I whined as I made my way through the dirty trees and weird mud "I'm getting my shoes dirty!"

"Well sweetie you are free to go as soon as you please, as I remember no one asked you to be here," Klaus called from in front of me. I was about to make a snarky comeback but I tripped, I was pretty clumsy for being ¼ vampire and my reflexes weren't on point unless I'm fighting.

"Oh wow shit" I said as soon as I figured what was going to happen. To say I was surprised when a pair of arms wrapped around me preventing my fall would be an understandment. I looked up to see Stefan holding me, I blushed and balanced myself again and straightened my crumpled white shirt.

"Umm thanks for y'know catching me" I looked at Stefan to see he was staring at me, just then I realized how pathetic I sounded, " This shirt would've really gotten ruined with all this mud. Yuck" Great. Now I sounded vain. Whatever, who cares how I sound.

I gave him a small smile and kept walking, when I stepped on the log that made me trip a few moments ago I felt a very delicate touch in the small of my back, Stefan had placed his hand in my back incase I fell. That little gesture made me want to throw myself to the floor and scream because of the butterflies I felt. Oh god I sounded like a 6th graded with her first crush.

"Would you two please pick up the pace!?" An annoyed looking Klaus called from his place plenty of yards in front of us.

"Come on, let's hurry before he goes all angry hybrid on us." Stefan said. I let out a small giggle and hurried up, but not before seeing him smile.

Clarity: A Klaus' daughter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now