Chapter 27

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AN- Hi sorry i haven't uploaded its just school and everything and then i couldn't bring myself to continue but im back!


"You don't seem jolly." I groaned, it had to be him. Stefan Worst-timing-ever Salvatore.

"You seem to have great abilities to read people." I said, sarcastically, running my fingers under my eyes, I was ready to stand up but he sat besides me on the damp floor.

I turned my head to face him, even with no humanity left and a little bloodstain on his shirt he was still stunning. I couldn't look him in the eye, so I focused on everything else, his cheeks, his strong jaw, and his lips. My eyes lingered on his lips for a moment before I managed enough courage to look him in the eye.

I was quite surprised when he was staring down at mine, then my lips. Oh shit, I thought as he then moved his eyes back to mine, that's what people do before they kiss. I took a sharp breath before turning away. I wasn't going to kiss him, not when an hour ago I was kissing Ross, not when I wanted to leave Mystic Falls, not when he didn't feel the same as I did, not when he didn't feel anything at all.

"Amber..." his whisper, on any other occasion, would've sent shivers down my spine, but not now, even though he was so close to me I could feel his body pressed on my right side, even though his armed snaked around me, even though he moved his lips so close to my face now that if I turned back to face him they'd touch my jaw.

I didn't turn my head right. The only movement I made was to stare down at the floor. He sighed and made some distance between us, he took his arm back and scooted a few inches away.

He started playing with a stick from the floor "See, this is why girls confuse me." I though for a moment, a fraction of a second, that maybe he wasn't completely gone, but his tone now reminded me I was wrong. "You spend all summer trying to get to me, you open up, tell me that you have feelings for me and then poof, I try to kiss you and you don't. I totally don't get it." He was so careless about it, I couldn't expect anything else but to me 'us'- Stefan and I- was such a fragile topic.

Anger surged through me but I tried to contain it "Well maybe it's because the only reason you even tried to kiss me is because you're sure you wouldn't feel a thing. Because you have no problem making out with Elena as normal you but she won't now because you can't feel shit! So you come to me, you know you make me weak, and because you don't have any emotions, it doesn't matter." Well, tried.

We both stood up, I huffed and he sighed.

"Women are so complicated, maybe I wanted to find you because you're hot. Maybe I was looking for someone supernaturally hot with magical highlights that I wouldn't kill while making out with, you know how I get with the blood and all rawrr" he made a funny monster face, "I wanted to kiss someone without ripping their throat open. You just have to overthink everything, don't you? And here I thought you were a little more fun."

I snorted, "You are unbelievable."

I sped out of the woods and in a few seconds I was outside the house I stole, I was getting in through the back door when I noticed the cops were just arriving. I got in through the window of my room and grabbed everything at vampire speed, I tried to not leave any evidence behind and I ran. I had left my car parked at the Mystic Grill.

A few minutes later I was sitting in my car, eyes closed, head leaned back onto the seat. I sat there for quite a while before I felt someone slipping into the passenger seat.

"You didn't leave town." It took me two seconds to place that voice. Rebekah.

"Well you didn't follow my father around like a puppy." I don't know why I was being so hostile towards her but I couldn't help it. Not at the moment, at least.

"You really remind me of your mother, she never admitted when she was hurt, although she usually covered it up with indifference or even more kindness, you're just plain rude." I turned to her and examined her, she had very pretty doll-like features, everything in her face fitting perfectly, she was the prettiest original for sure, even though I had only met half of them.

"Well, let me tell you something, Beks, I'm not hurt, I'm not sad, I don't care about what Klaus did or where he went."

She laughed a little "oh no sweetheart, I wasn't talking about my brother, I'm talking about Stefan" I didn't know what to respond to that so I just huffed. "Nik told me about it, and let me tell you I know Stefan preeetty well." Her tone was suggestive, in a fraction of a second I grasped what she wanted to say, she and Stefan were a thing, I gasped and turned to her in shock.

"Oh my dillywhoo!" I cursed to myself. I couldn't ever be with Stefan, he's Rebekah's ex, I mean, ex boyfriends are just off limits to nieces, that's just like, the rules of feminism!

"Don't worry, Miss. Weird Curse Words, I don't mind, our thing was just a fling."

Thank God.

"Yeah thanks but no thanks, I mean, I don't really care." I brushed it off, I'm pretty sure my tone was convincing.

"Right, well, whatever it is that is going on between you two needs to be solved because we're going to be staying at the boarding house with them."

"Oh no. No, no, no and did I mention, no!"

"Yes we are, drives us there, will you?" She was giving me threatening glances so I couldn't help but comply, sighing in defeat. 


Hoped you enjoyed this kinda short chapter? pls comment 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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