Chapter 5

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"I wonder what I'd say if I knew back then that the brown-eyed boy'd be my best friend, and the one I'd give my heart to"


We finished our meal, and talked a bit longer. He asked about my family, so I told him that I had two older brothers and my mom and dad. I didn't ask too much about him because he seemed somewhat closed off. I get it though, I'm that way too. That's why I don't understand why I answered so many of his questions. I guess he just has a warm presence.

He walked me back to my car and we said our goodbyes. I thanked him for lunch which he refused to let me pay for. I wouldn't have gotten the strawberry milkshake had I known he'd be paying for it. I mean I know he's probably loaded with cash, but that's not the point.

It's been almost a week since it happened. It's now the next Friday. We didn't share any contact information, so I'm just looking at that experience as something cool to tell the grandkids.

Since it's Friday I'm going to go to the store for a little bit again before my shift at Beachwood. Fridays are the only days of the week that are completely scheduled. I always wake up, make coffee and waffles, watch some Netflix, get ready, go to Canyon Moon, and then go to Beachwood. Pretty simple, but I enjoy it.

I haven't been to Canyon at all this week. I've been busy with both of my jobs and stuff. But it's finally Friday. I love Friday.

I get out of my car and walk up to the door.

"Hey stranger!" Emma says with a smile and a nod.

"Hey! Sorry, it's just been a busy work week. The kids are getting ready for a recital." I say headed for the back of the store.

"Funny how your preparing your students to perform when you won't do it yourself." She says with a smirk.

"Hey now! I don't force any of them to. They all chose to." I say slightly offended by the truth.

She simply snickers and lets me go to the back.

I sat down for the first time to play this piano in a week. I usually don't go that long and it's probably not that long in all honesty. I just love it so much.

Considering recent events I decided to play another One Direction favorite of mine. It just seemed to fit right you know.

Honestly, this song brings the biggest grin to my face anytime I hear it. Some people say it's overrated, but it is and will always be a bop.

As I'm play I feel myself start to dance a bit. Smile to myself. And stare out at the blue sky through the window. It's a nice day.

I finish playing the song and continue playing others making sure I keep track of time. I gave myself a ten minute window to get to work this time.

I pick up my things and head to say goodbye to Emma at the front.

"Hey, I have to head to work, but do you wanna come over tomorrow? Maybe have some dinner and watch a movie?" I ask because we haven't hung out like that in forever.

"Yes! I'd love to! I was actually going to ask you the same thing, wanna just order some Chinese and I can pick it up on the way over?" She says fixing the guitar pick selection.

"Yeah sure that sounds good! Text me when you get off of work tomorrow." I say as I walk towards the door.

"You got it dude." She says with a thumbs up mimicking Michelle from Full House.

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