Chapter 35

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"Yeah, you wanna find love then you know where the city is"


I'm not sure what woke me up.

I don't feel like opening my eyes yet because I am exhausted. I just let myself lay for a moment. Then I realized the warmth I felt as I fell asleep was now gone and replaced with nothing.

Where did Harry go?

Then I hear why I woke up.

"Here comes the sun do,do,do,do..."

He must've had the song blaring over the speaker that he has in his bedroom.

I still stayed relaxed just lying in the bed in the same position, not making any effort to get up.

"Rise and shine Cherry!" Harry said finally climbing on top of me once he realized I wasn't going to get up.

"Good morning baby." I say quietly since I'm still tired and can't fathom matching his excitable energy quite yet.

"Good morning, d'you like the song I chose?" He said while getting in my face and planting kisses on my cheeks.

"Of course, amazing taste as always." I compliment with a lazy smile. "What time is it?" I yawn.

"It's around 6 A.M., we need to leave in an hour."

"An hour? How long ago did you wake up?"

"Like another hour ago, why?"

"Because that's when you should've woken me up! I don't know if I'll have enough time to get ready!" I complain.

I immediately laugh at myself knowing I just sounded so whiny.

Harry was amused the whole time.

"It's the airport, all you gotta do is like throw on a sweatshirt and go." He chuckles.

"First of all, we both know you don't do that. You like putting together airport outfits. Second of all even if you simply did just put on a sweatshirt, we don't all get to wake up and look as flawless as you do-"

"Aw really?" He said batting his eyelashes making me laugh and roll my eyes.

I try to squirm out from under him to start to get ready but he suddenly pins me down.

"Please pay the toll." He says nonchalantly.

"And what exactly is the toll?"

He doesn't use words and instead puckers his lips and closes his eyes.

I laugh and shake my head.

"I have morning breathe-"

"Does it look like I care?" He chuckles and leans in a little closer still making a duck face.

I roll my eyes and give him the kiss he so desperately wanted.

With another laugh, he rolls off of me and I head to the bathroom.

I turn around to look at him one more time and notice something.

His face was so close to mine when he woke me up that I couldn't see the rest of his body.

The bastard woke up before me and got fully dressed and ready.

"Oh okay Mr. Just Thow On A Sweatshirt." I roll my eyes with a chuckle and step fully into the bathroom.

He was wearing a black t shirt with black and white striped trousers. He had on necklaces and rings of course as well. Probably wearing a Chelsea boot but I didn't look. To top it off his hair was freshly done and looked perfect.

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