Chapter 18

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"I'm so chill, but you make me jealous"


She wrote me a song. She wrote a song for me. She wrote a song specifically about me. She did it while I was there. She said she doesn't write people songs. But she wrote me a song. And it was a beautiful song.

I'm suprised with myself that I told her the full story. But in that moment I figured that the only way to get close to someone is to open up to them. And I want to get close to her, so I did. I thought about not doing it but the thought of us being casual friends didn't work for me. I want to be close to her. I would hate a surface level relationship.

I really thought I could be friends with her. I could get over the little bits of feelings I had. But those little bits keep growing...

But she has a date tonight.

What if he makes her laugh? What if they go official? What if they hug? What if they kiss? What if they-

"Hey, where are ya?" She asks breaking my thoughts.

"What do you mean? I'm in the car with you." I look over at her and smile at the comment.

"No, you're somewhere else. I can go too if you want." She says sweetly.

I turn my eyes back to the road in order for her to not see my blush.

"I think I'd rather visit wherever you are. So where are you?"

" I'm in my happy place Harry" She says with a calming presence as she sticks her hand out of the window.

"That sounds like a lovely place to visit."

"No no no, you don't visit a happy place. You try to move in and make it home." She says in a caring manner.

"What do you mean?" I say furrowing my brows.

"It should be your permanant residence. Like... Happiness should be your home. Not a place you visit. I'm not saying you shouldn't feel sad though, because sometimes you really need to feel sad in order to feel happy. But my point is, I hope you find home."

Her words brought this warmth to my heart.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Just... You think of and speak the perfect words."

"Sometime I just got it." She winks.

"Well, thank you." I say sincerely.

"Again, don't thank me for something like that. It's what friends are for."


"Nope I'm gonna thank you, so just say you're welcome." I say with my mind made up.

"You're welcome."

We are now pulling up to Canyon Moon and it looks so calm there. It's a really peaceful place. It probably isn't like this when it's really busy, but right now it's peaceful.

"So what are you looking for this time? Another guitar?" She asks as she takes off her seatbelt.

"Nope, actually I want to buy a ukelele." I say with a smirk.

"Hmmm... Why?" She says with a grin as we open our doors and step out of the car.

"Because I've always wanted to learn and someone wrote a very beautiful song on a ukulele for me once." I answer with a grin.

"Two things. First of all thank you. Second of all, how do you not know how? It's easier than playing a guitar and you can do that." She says stepping out of the car with a chuckle.

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