Chapter 11

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" I feel so grown up with you in your car"


Me: Hey Harry, I just got done with my shift so I'm ready whenever

Harry: Great! I'll be there soon

Me: okay see you then!

Harry: see you =)

Did he just use an emoticon?

If that's not charming I don't know what is.

I think he's coming straight from the studio so he should be here in like two minutes.

"Is Harry Styles on his way?" I hear Josh yell over the counter to me after giving someone their drink.

"Yes, but could you be any louder?" I whisper yell as I walk over to him.

There weren't too many people here but if any of them are fans it could get bad. Most of his fans from what I've gathered are extremely respectful, but there are some that aren't and would definitely leak his location. So honestly you can't be too careful.

"Sorry." He says turning around and cleaning a glass. He looked like he was aggravated but trying to hide it.

What did I do?

"Are you upset about something?" I say after seeing his uptight manner.

"Nope, I'm just working." He says with his lips turning into a line.

"Okay... Well... If you're mad about having to work there isn't really anything I can do about that. Your shift is almost over and you kinda have to work so..." I say to him because I really don't completely understand what's wrong.

"No, I know. Okay? I'm fine, go have fun with Harry we'll talk later." He says completely normal until he says Harry's name.

He said it with a tone I'm not used to from him.

"Do you have a problem with Harry? Is it because of his friend at the diner? Because I thought we-" I began to say before he cut me off.

"No, no. I said I was over that. Don't worry about it go have fun. He's literally walking up to the door now." He says to me then turns around but not before rolling his eyes a bit.

What the fuck is his problem?

I'm not gonna worry about it for now. I want to just have fun with Harry.

As I'm about to turn around to see Harry I expect the same hoodie and shorts I saw earlier but the outfit was nothing of the sort.

Harry's outfit:

When did he change and why?

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When did he change and why?

I mean I don't mind....

He looked really good.

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