Chapter 29

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"A simple complication, miscommunications lead to fall out."


"You weren't ever gonna tell her." Mitch shakes his head.

"I was!" I say in argument.

"Harry... Lying is a sin." Mitch laughs.

"I swear I was! I talked to my mum about it, and she convinced me to tell Naomi how I feel! But- But Naomi got sick and it just didn't seem to be the right time-"

"There never is a 'right time' Harry..." Jeff chimes in.

"Exactly!" Mitch agrees.

"Okay, let me finish. So then I went to tell her a few days ago at Beachwood but then a shit ton of fans showed up and I couldn't."

"You were gonna tell her you liked her at her work, with customers around, and her coworker boyfriend?" Mitch says with judgment all over his face.

"I mean yeah... I just randomly got the confidence that day if I'm being honest..." I say scratching my forehead.

Mitch and Jeffrey just stare at me.

"Well... It seemed right at the time in my defense!"

"It's fine just go tell her now." Jeffrey says as if it's so easy.

"Yeah yeah yeah cause it's so easy right?" I say out of annoyance.

"It's like a band aid you just gotta rip it off. Which need I remind you, you should've done like two weeks ago." Jeffrey says.

I mean... There was no real reason for me not to tell her that day.

I mean to be honest it might have been perfect.

I feel like we really connected when I went over that first day of her being really sick.

I mean... The singing, the crying... She looked me in the eyes. It was really special to me. And don't even get me started on the shirt...

I mean I guess it's not that big of a deal... So, in the middle of the night,and yes I stayed the whole night that night, her fever broke and I had to help her to the bathroom so she could change into cooler clothes. I grabbed a tank top and shorts from her drawer and I closed the door. Then once she was done I helped her back to bed. Well in the morning, I got really hot when I woke up so I took off my long sleeve t shirt that I was wearing. And when she got up she was feeling a bit cold again so I just passed her the t shirt and she wore it...

I thought it was great.

Anyways...I went over to check up on her a few times after that, but she was getting better and was able to take care of herself more so I didn't stay as long.

I mean... I would've but I also didn't want to seem creepy.

It's been over week since everything happened, and she should be working today at the Cafe. She's feeling completely fine now. Or at least that's what she said last time I talked to her. It's actually been a while since we've even talked on the phone... She's probably been busy catching up on stuff from when she was sick.

I am talking to Mitch and Jeffrey at the studio about going to see her and tell her how I feel today. However, I confided in them right after the phone call I had with my mum and told I would tell Naomi how I feel... And I obviously didn't end up doing that... So now I'm getting to hear shit for it.

"I'll be back in a bit." Mitch says grabbing his car keys starting to walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

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