Chapter 38

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"Some mistakes get made that's alright that's okay, you can think that you're in love when you're really just engaged"


"Hey..." Josh says unsurely as I sit down at the table with him.

We are at a Cafe downtown. Not Beachwood.


He stares at me for a moment.

Probably without any words to say on his mind.

"Did you order something to drink?" He tries to break the ice.

"I'm not that thirsty right now."

He nods his head.

"You said you had to tell me something, what is it?" I say trying to get to the point.

"Naomi... What I have to tell you is kinda a lot."

"Josh it's fine, just tell me. Whatever it is I'm sure I can handle it."

"Okay yeah, right... Remember Millie? From the cafe?"


"Well, I was going into work the other day and I saw her getting out of a car in the parking lot as I was getting out of my car..." Josh was hesitant to go on.

"Was it not her car?" I ask.

"No... But the car looked familiar."

"Josh... Who's car was it?" I start feeling anxious.

I don't know why, but all of the sudden I had a bad feeling about this.

"Naomi... It was KJ's."

"How do you know for sure? People have similar looking cars all the time." I point out.

"Naomi, you've gotta let me finish..." He said calmly.

"Fine, go on."

"KJ got out of the car a few seconds after she did. I was confused, I didn't know they knew each other. Then right before she was about to go inside they hugged-"

"They're probably friends and we just didn't know about it-" I start to interject.

"Then they started giggling and kissing."

I felt my heart drop. I felt my stomach turn. I felt anger starting to grow larger and larger. I felt disappointment swell.

Poor Emma.

How am I going to tell her?

"What did you do after that?" I ask frantically.

"Well they didn't see me since I hid behind my car, so after he got back in his car and left I went inside. When I saw her I asked if that was her boyfriend and tried not to sound suspicious. Then she said yes and that they had been dating for a few months. They must've met somehow because of you working there and KJ and Emma visiting you. She has no idea about the fact that KJ and Emma are together though. I don't know what he told her for her to think that, but she has no idea they're engaged."

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