Chapter 6

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"Happiness ain't something you sit back and wait for"


I turn around as I hear the pre chorus approaching. I stare at the wall with anticipation for what's to come next. I'm assuming she'll start at either the pre chorus or chorus. I couldn't believe she was actually gonna do it considering we just met and barely know each other at all. But I think that's why she's choosing me for this. That's the appeal. I don't know her...

That'll be a fun one to figure out...

Shit. Here. We. Go.

"The best thing about being a woman, is the perogative to have a little fun and...." She starts singing quietly. It was amazing. I mean I thought she'd be good. But. Damn.

I just want her to really go for it though.

" Louder! Go for it!" I urge.

"Oh-oh-oh go totally crazy
Forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts, short skirts
Oh-oh-oh, really go wild
Yeah, doin' it in style
Oh-oh-oh, get in the action
Feel the attraction
Color my hair, do what I dare
Oh-oh-oh, I wanna be free
Yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man. I feel like a woman." She sang the loudest she could.

Well shit.

She's a fucking star.

I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn around to see her.

"What?" She asks nervously seeing my shocked face.

"Are you kidding me? That was some of the best singing I've ever heard!" I say in honesty.

She stared at her feet not knowing what to say.

"You don't know how to take compliments either?" I say through a small chuckle.

She shakes her head as she stares at her feet.

"Well get back to it the key change is coming up! And I wanna hear that shit!" I say to her ready for more.

"Oh I'm not doing it again. You should be glad that I'm not passed out on the floor from that little bit right there. Because there was definitely a point everything started going blurry." She says that last part while laughing.

"Okay then let's definitely not have you do it again.... At least for right now...." I say not wanting to push her too far,but also knowing she should stop holding herself back. She could really be something.

"Uh huh...." She says squinting at me and finally continueing her work behind the counter.

The song comes to an end so I try and find something new. And as I'm scrolling through, I find Summer of '69.

Naturally, I click.

I grab the nearest mop for my air guitar and start my performance.

"Wow, you really like Summer of '69." She says staring at me with a grin.

I don't answer and continue my show.

"Standin' on your mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh, and when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life!" I sang and gave it my all trying not to burst into laughter after seeing her watch me bent over laughing.

I sang the rest of the song and ended it with a bow. She even danced behind the counter a little bit.

"You seemed like you know that song like the back of your hand." She says to me coming off of the laughter.

"Yeah, I used to sing a cover of it with my band when I was a teenager." I say setting the mop down.

"One Direction sang it?"

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