Chapter 24

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"I won't lie to you I know he's just not right for you"


I step out of my car and head to the door of the studio.

After I walk through the hallway I head to the room that Harry lead me to last time.

I open the door and see Harry and Mitch talking in the corner with their backs to me so they couldn't see me but I could see the sides of their faces.

They looked very serious, and Harry looked a little nervous. Mitch had this... Almost determined look on his face? I don't know how else to describe it.

Within seconds they both turned to see me and they put smiles on their faces.

"Hello Naomi!" Harry said happily as he walked over to me.

"Hey Naomi" Mitch smiled and waved.

"Hey guys, is everything okay?"

Harry came up to me and gave me a quick hug which I found quite nice and then turned to look at Mitch for a spilt second as if to look at him for an answer.

"Yeah, everything's good. What's been up with you? Haven't been able to talk to you for a while." Mitch replies and walks over to us with his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing much, just the same old work and stuff. What about you?"

"Nothing to m-"

"He and Sarah finally went on a date date." Harry cut him off and had the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh Mitch that's great! How did it go?"

"It went really good..." He said it so quietly out of embarrassment, it was adorable.

Harry and I both chuckled at it and Harry patted him on the back.

"Enough about me, how is your love life Naomi?" Mitch said very inquisitively.

"Um, well... Josh and I had a sort of... Conversation. And it wasn't looking too hot there for us for a minute. But ultimately we worked some stuff out and we're doing great." I smiled at the thought but also felt weird saying it to them.

"What do you mean 'not too hot?'" Mitch asks.

"Well if I'm being honest... I invited him over to my house to end things with him, but we talked it out and now we're great."

When he came over, I tried talking about the problems I was having but he kept talking over me about how he could fix it. I said that I didn't want him to change who is and I didn't want to change who I am just so we could be together and that it might be best if we end things. He said neither one of us has to change but we can both respect each other and each other's opinions and we will be alright. And I said I'm not sure if that would work. Then he said I wasn't giving us a fair shot since it hasn't been very long... And that was always something that I thought could be true so I gave it even more thought. As I was sitting there thinking about it, he started rambling about how he'd be more understanding and a better partner overall. His demeanor, his will to make things better, and our wonderful past won my heart in the end. It's been a few days since it all happened and we've kinda been living in a romance bubble. He stayed true to his words and has been a lot more understanding and supportive. On the off chance we're not together physically then we're probably texting or calling. It's been good since.

I don't know why it felt a little weird to tell them, especially Harry, but it did.

I keep the smile on my face but they kinda just stared at me until Mitch shook his head and spoke up.

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