Chapter 48

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"I was good at feeling nothing now I'm hopeless. What a drag to love you like I do."


I shouldn't have pushed her to tell me.

I close the journal and press my forehead against it.

I should've been more patient, and waited. She would've told me eventually.

I should've just given her the fun night she deserved.

And as for Nate...

For his sake he better stay the fuck away from Naomi and me.

I read it all.

I'm infuriated, disgusted, and sad.

I know she said I could read the whole journal but I only read about six entries. I felt kind of bad going through it even though I had permission.

Some of them made me smile, but the entry about how Nate acted...

It's appalling.

How could a person be like that?

Especially to her?

How could he say what he said to her?

I have to see her.

I wipe my teary eyes, get up from my bed, and sprint down my stairs to the front door. I grab my shoes, a jacket, and my car keys.

As I drive, I can't stop thinking.

My thoughts are all over the place. I keep thinking about Naomi, how she must feel, and what can I do to help her right now.

And Nate.

And how I never knew you could hate a person with every fiber of your being even though they've never done anything to you personally.

Then back to Naomi, and how I just want to hold her and make her feel safe and loved.

Then back to Nate, and how I want to rip his dick off.


It's been a while, and I'm started to feel sleepy but I know I won't be able to sleep so I decide to make some coffee.

I head to the kitchen, make a cup.

Maybe I should write a song?

I don't think I want to though. I think I'd rather just watch TV numbly. If I write a song, I'll feel too much. I know that's what I should be doing, but I can't get myself to want to do it.

I pour a little cream and sugar into my fresh hot cup of coffee and head to my bed.

As I start getting under the covers, there's a knock on the door.

Its probably Emma, she knew I got home today.

"I'm coming! I look like shit so don't make fun bitch!" I yell at the door.

I get up, walk to my front door, and open it.

Then I see his face.

He read it.

"Are you alright?" I ask quietly trying not to make eye contact or I might cry.

"What?" He asks quietly and dumbfounded.

"I asked if you were-"

"No, I know what you asked. But how- you just- Naomi you can't-" He stopped himself and tried to gather the words.

After a moment he stopped trying and just looked at me.

Then he threw his arms around me and kissed my head.

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