Chapter 36

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"See the girl in the corner of the club? That's my ex, we were once in love"


I always thought I appreciated doing fun things, having exciting experiences.

But it turns out that what is even better, is watching someone else have those experiences, and getting to be with them while they have it.

Seeing Naomi being dazzled by New York City is what made me realize this.

The way she lit up just by me taking her to get a cup of coffee in a quaint Cafe in the heart of the city, is something that will forever be in my memory.

She was just so happy to be someplace new and thrilling.

She told me over and over again how beautiful she thought it was. Then I made a joke about all the rats and she laughed and told me to shut up.

She's just so happy.

I'm so happy.

We're so happy.

When we first got to the hotel I thought for sure she was gonna pass out.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she stared at the lobby.

While on the elevator up to our room she told me it was too much to do for her and insisted that she help pay.

And insisted.

And insisted.

And insisted.

I of course did not oblige.

I wanted to treat Cherry.

And I am fortunate and lucky enough to be able to do so.

So I'm gonna.

Once we made our way up the elevator, down a few halls to our room, I finally wore her down and she gave up.

I got our key and opened the door.

"No fucking way Harry."

Were the first words out of her mouth when she saw the suite.

She practically ran from the doorway to the back of the room where the window with a view of the city was. I watched her with a giddy grin.

I've stayed here in the past, gotten this very same room even.

I thought it was really nice too.

I also remember thinking it was cool.

But I didn't enjoy it until now.

I couldn't appreciate it like how I do now.

It wasn't the same when the love of my life wasn't running to jump on the bed and hug a pillow.

I stood at the edge of the bed and just watched with an amused smile.

She then stood up tall on the bed, and was now towering over me.

"This is fucking insane."

She told me with a smile on her face.

That's when I grabbed her by her legs and started carrying her over my shoulder.

She started giggling for me to put her down, obviously not meaning a word of it.

Then I took her to the bathroom, and once we were done with our shower we got ready to go see Gemma.

Naomi had told me in the car that she had to get a shower before seeing her since she looked "fresh off a plane" and felt gross.

When getting dressed Naomi took a very long time saying "I have to wear something cute for Gemma, something she'll be impressed by. I want her to like my fashion sense."

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