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A familiar voice yanked me from my thoughts with a jolt.

"Whoa-whoa... Calm down. It's only me."

The face of Hayes, a close friend of mine, slowly came into focus. It felt as if my whole world had been nothing but solid black mere seconds before.

"Are you alright? You look like the walking dead." Hayes continued to push, and i knew he wouldn't stop until i gave some answers. Concern flooded his features.

"Y-yeah, i just didn't get much sleep last night. Bad dreams." I managed, my voice faltering a bit at first.
"But i'm fine, no worries. I'm just a bit spacey." I finished with a laugh and a quick, warm smile.

I hated lying, but sadly, i wasn't bad at throwing out my poker face.
But what point was there to worry my friends and family over something i didn't even understand and couldn't explain?

"Aren't you always, Ice Queen?" Hayes chuckled, nudging me a bit.

I shot a playful glare his way as i pushed back slightly against his nudge. This caused him to laugh more, always amused by my all-too-famous nick name.

Hayes started on some lame story about him and the other boys on the football team, and i couldn't help but allow my thoughts to drag me down with the current again.

Who was she..? What did she mean? Is any of this for real..?

"XENA, PLEASE." Hayes' arms wrapped around me, and he began to spin me in circles.


"Hayes, you're such a child!" I giggled, practically feeling the dark thoughts melting away.

Fine. I'll enjoy what i KNOW is real, for now...

Hayes finally stopped spinning and set me free from his grasp. He started up about his story again, all while his eyes practically sparkled with delight.

I knew i had a weird effect on this boy, but wow.

Just as i began to focus on his story, something past his shoulder, far in the distance caught my eye.

A dark figure walking into a shadowy portal.

Exactly like the ones certain people from my dreams used to travel.

But this person wasn't dressed in that long black coat... I couldn't make out much from this distance, but i knew that for sure.

...This is real.

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