Chapter 12

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I've been putting off writing this chapter since I needed to re-watch the movie, but I never did so I've ended up straining my memory to write this chapter. If there are any wrong details, do tell me. 

Harry gave Miku a look that equally offended him and disgusted him. Who knew that the oh-so-great hero viewed Miku's disposition on Draco's lap to be on the darker side, to put it lightly. While the brunet glared at him, Draco was frozen beneath Miku - is it shock or something else? - and Miku preened in that miniature victory. In the hostile silence that followed his choice of seating, he took the opportunity to note the scrunched piece of paper in Harry's hand. An amused expression made home on Miku's features.

It seems Hermione got my Christmas gift.

He felt Draco jolt back into reality.

"What?" He snapped, the sharpness in his voice made Miku's tender mental state kick start and it took every ounce of his willpower to not get drowned in the water that his head plunged under.

When Miku didn't reply, and Harry pestered Draco to translate whatever Miku had just said, the blonde seemed to realise his mistake. After filling Harry in, Miku felt the intake of breath - a carefully hidden apology no doubt - and he was back, cutting off whatever was about to be said with a rushed thought.

It was just a book on pets. I thought she would find a particular reptile interesting.

While Miku was enjoying the current predicament, Harry was having none of his playfulness and the expression he wore when Draco finished telling him Miku's words caused the peach haired boy to tremble slightly, the gaze no different from his father's. He shrunk back into Draco, too tired to hide his reaction to the look. Somehow, Draco had wound his arms around Miku's waist - probably to make sure he didn't have an untimely make-out session with the ground - and now, they squeezed Miku protectively.

"You knew?" The hero burst, disbelief and anger lacing his voice, "You knew and you didn't any anything?" 

Miku raised an eyebrow, somehow managing to summon sarcasm despite the way memories were now pressing against his vision.

A bit hard to say something when you can't speak.

The message must have gotten across without Draco's - unwilling - help and the rage that painted Harry Potter's face would have terrified a normal person. Unfortunately for Miku, that expression was a trigger. His whole body went rigid.

He couldn't breathe. The bath was cold against his bare skin, but the water was colder. It pierced his raw skin, tore at the fresh, open wounds on his ten year-old flesh. Bubbles rose through his half conscious vision, escaping from his lungs. The heavy weight pressing down on his back increased by the second, making it harder to move, harder to endure as his father buried him in the full bath tub, rock after rock digging into him.


Faintly, he felt someone shake him, someone call his name. But his lungs were filling with water, his ears with the man's cruel laughter and his eyes with blackness and he was drowning again.

His fingers reached desperately for the surface as the last of his air slipped past his eyes. He was drowning. He was going to die, buried in water and rocks. He was going to leave his mother to suffer. No. He began to writhe desperately. He couldn't let that man touch his mother. He would not drown here. He pushed against the rocks, a silent scream escaping him as they crushed him. A hand grabbed the back of  his head, then pain blossomed through his face as the hand smashed his head into the bottom of the bath. That was his breaking point. Blackness overcame him and he went limp in the man's grip. A few seconds later, dank, sour air found its way into his lungs and he hung from the mans hold on his dull peach hair. 

Miku gasped for breath, the feeling of drowning pulling away with an abruptness that hurtled him back into reality. Sobs choked him as he desperately gulped down air.

"Miku!" He now heard the voice calling for him.

Slowly he regained his senses and he unclenched his hand that had been strangling Draco's wrist in a vice like grip. His eyes widened as he registered just how hard he had been holding onto the other boy.

I'm sorry. 

He looked up at Draco, ashamed that he had hurt the one that was caring for him. The boy hardly seemed to see the apology, instead more focused on pulling Miku into his chest before snapping at Harry.

"You really overstepped your boundaries this time, Potter," Draco growled dangerously, not allowing Harry any room for argument as he continued, "Your exactly the disgusting mudblood that you say you aren't."

The words echoed around the room and Miku knew that they had hurt Harry. Draco was not finished with Harry yet, but Miku figured that the two had caused enough trouble for today. Gently, he nuzzled his head into Draco's neck, drawing his attention to himself instead of Harry.

"Miku?" His voice was tight with restrained anger.

Calm down.

Miku rubbed Draco's throat with his head and the emotions seemed to rush out of Draco. He smiled against the blonde.

Good boy.

Then, Miku turned to Harry with a strained sigh.

I'll help you find Ginny.

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now