Chapter 9

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I just ate KFC and now I feel like throwing up :(


If hell exists, then Miku had found it. Right here, at home. 

(Though is it really home? or is Hogwarts?)

He didn't know. But as he lay on his bed, sweating and half soaked in his vomit and blood he decided; Hogwarts is home. And he was determined to go home, back to those who await him.

(But did anyone await him? Did anyone care that he might not return?)

Miku's body burned, bile rose in his throat, and he shut down his thoughts.

(He'll be here soon).

True to his word, the door clicked and in walked the man. Miku's father observed the sight that greeted his eyes, and sighed.

"Your such a mess," His voice was poison ivy, eyes dripping with ire as they watched the broken boy wallow in his own vomit, "Such a waste."

His shiny black dress shoes tapped as he neared his son.

"I should have disposed of you long ago."

A rustle of movement.

(The sound of something being drawn from its resting place).

The bed crinkled under new weight.

(Choking filled the old space).

"It's such a pity."

The man's words were sad, but the cold glint of his eyes spoke otherwise. He didn't give a fuck.

"Merry Christmas, Miku."


A day after break was over

Draco watched the students flow by. He felt empty. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't put a finger on it. He shrugged, dismissing it and stormed off. Harry Potter wasn't just going to sit around and wait for Draco to bully him.


Miku couldn't think. He couldn't see beyond the red painting his vision. He couldn't feel anything other than heat, pain and numbness. His body convulsed in an effort to throw up, but there was nothing left in him. He was quite sure that if you went downstairs to the lounge room, which was directly underneath his, you would see his blood dripping through the floor. Miku's necklace weighed heavily on his chest, the hourglass pendant a crushing force. And even though the pendant was on its side, the sand grains continued to fall, albeit a bit faster than before. Tears dripped sideways down his sweaty face, Miku's heart squeezed in his chest, blood trickled out the corner of his pale, colorless lips.

Why cant I just die yet?


Draco stared at the letter in his hands. Two words adorned the parchment.

Goodbye, Draco.

He stared at it in shock, the rooms door swung open.

"Professor?" Draco eyed the man warily.

"Mr. Malfoy," Snape looked at him, caught sight of the letter clutched in his hands and beckoned to him, "Come with me."


Three hours later

Draco stood, frozen, on the side of an unfamiliar street in between Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall. The house that they faced was a bright yellow and looked rather average. It's door opened revealing a tall, handsome man. He had peach coloured hair and beautiful red eyes that glittered in the moonlight. A harrowing smile tugged at the man's lips as he strolled up to them.

"Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape," He addressed them with a velvety voice, "and you must be Draco Malfoy."

A terse silence. The man's angelic sigh graced the air.

"The thing that you seek is inside, if it's still alive." The professors visibly stiffen, moving to rush past the man.

"I'll never understand what value you see in such a useless creature, Severus." 


A gentle laugh.

"What a vile thing."

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now