Chapter 6

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Apparently, when one is away for two days, everything happens. Mrs. Norris petrified, Colin Creevey petrified,  another student petrified, Chamber of Secrets open, Basilisk on the run! Why was Miku never around for anything? 

However, he wasn't quite sure if Hermione, Ron and Harry had figured out that the Basilisk was the creature causing this havoc. It was probably better if they didn't figure it out yet, though. Perhaps after Christmas? He could drop a hint when school starts back. He nodded in agreement with his thoughts. Perfect.

"Owens!" A voice called out.  

Miku stiffened, and despite knowing what was going to happen, he turned. He smiled. 

A fist slammed into his cheek, Miku tumbled to the ground, clenching his mouth shut in an effort not to cry out in pain. He lifted his head, pushing up onto his hands, glimpsing Goyle's long fat face a moment before his head was shoved back into the ground, a foot holding it in position.

Miku was confused. Why had he been attacked suddenly? Where was Draco? 

"You in the way." Crabbe's voice brought him from his rapid thoughts.

He muttered something to Goyle along this lines of, "That right?", and after the confirmation, he continued.

"Draco been paying too much attention to you lately, must stop." Miku blinked at the statement.


"He gettin' off track."

Ah, so that is what's happening here. 

Everyone thought that Crabbe and Goyle were just mindless cronies, but actually, they played a more important role. He lifted a gloved hand high and stuck the rude finger up at them. Whoever was using them could get stuffed, Miku needed his anchor and no one was going to intimidate him into giving him up. A meaty hand grabbed Miku's raised one, crushing it in a painful grip.

"Why you always wearing these things anyways?" Dread dropped in his stomach.

The hand gripped the edge of his glove and Miku writhed in their grips.


A shout as they struggled to contain him.


Tears dripped from his eyes, clouding his vision. He struggled harder, but firm hands held him still, having found their grip. Cool air met the skin of his right hand and he blanched, a nauseating feeling sweeping up through his body.


He felt the heat coming off Crabbe's hand as he moved it towards Miku's now exposed skin.

"Don't-" His throat tore as he begged.

Don't touch me.

"He speaks!" Crabbe said in surprise.

Miku cried out as their skin came in contact.

Images flashed through his head and Miku sobbed. 

Please stop.

A small kid cried out in fear. 

The image changed.

A blonde haired man stared at him

"___" He began to speak but the image moved on.

"Stop!" Someone ordered, "Get your filthy hands off him!"

The world fogged around him, the hands left him, but his body remained crumpled on the ground.

"Go away." The same voice snapped, and obediently the two perpetrators went.

The grass crinkled by Miku's head. Silence, then.

"Miku." The voice said, gently, "Miku, look at me"

Miku didn't - couldn't - move, all the energy had been sapped from him and now he lay, defeated. What was the point? 

What was the value in his life?

"Miku." The voice was gentle and a cautious pair of hands lifted his head, placing it on their lap.

Miku gazed into those grey eyes.

The cause of all of this, yes.

"Are you okay?"

The one to blame?

I'm fine. Just tired.

No. Draco was not the one at fault.

"Are you sure?"

I'm fine.

Silence drifted between the two, disturbed by nothing more than a cold breeze. Miku's thin body shivered. Draco threaded a hand through Miku's peach coloured hair before whispering, so quiet that he nearly missed it.



Its finally done!!! I've had half of this chapter sitting here for two weeks but was too lazy and busy to finish it-


I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Please dont be afraid to leave feedback and corrections! :)))

Have a great day/night and see you guys in probably another month or so because I have exams starting tomorrow and going for about three weeks.   😅😭

Love you all!!

Quix :))))))))))

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now