Chapter 1

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Miku gently rested his head on the edge of his desk, scrunching his eyes shut tight in a half hearted effort to rid himself of the splitting headache he had woken with.

It was potions class and Snape was calling the role.

"Draco Malfoy."

Miku had a few seconds left before his name was called as Draco answered.

"Miku Owens."

He righted himself with a gloved hand and blinked at the professor. 

"Miku. Owens."

Snape repeated his name again, scanning the classroom before making eye contact with the peach haired boy. They maintained eye contact for a long moment, before Miku blinked and looked down. Snape tutted and marked him on the role. He fiddled with the black gloves that he wore under the table.

A woman crouched down in front of a ten year old boy.

No. Miku shook his head. Not now.

"Sunshine! I bought you something!" She giggled happily as she presented him the small package behind her back.

No. Stop it.

"Now you don't have to be scared of touching something!" She clapped joyously as her sunshine unwrapped the black gloves.

I don't want to remember.

"It even matches with your school uniform!"

Miku slammed his head down onto the desk, unintentionally cutting off Snape. All eyes were now on him, but he didn't register it. Blood pounded in his ears and Miku felt like he was drowning.

I can't breathe.

That was because he didn't know how to swim.

His fingers curled into his robe and then there was silence. Not externally, but in Miku's head, it was silent. But only for a moment. Sound exploded in his ears, in his head-

I can't breathe. 

His breathing sped up and externally he began to hyperventilate. Someone was trying to get his attention, but he couldn't see them. He couldn't hear them.

Internally he was drowning, tears escaped from his clouded gold eyes.

Help me.

Then he fainted.


Well, that was chapter 1 XD 

Its very short, but I promise the chapters will get longer :) I'm just trying to reawaken my writing skills because I haven't written anything in several hundred years😅 Please give me feed back, vote, comment and if your a Black Clover fan, please check out my fanfiction on my other account;

:))) Have a nice day!!! 


Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now