Chapter 11

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He lied.

Miku had lied, and it hurt.

Draco stared blankly at the boy on the hospital bed in the Hospital Wing. 

But, Miku's truth hurt.

His fingers clenched in a fist at his side.

(Why hadn't Miku said anything?)

The peach haired boy was a mystery. Why did he go back when he could have stayed safely in Hogwarts? 

(He didn't know).

"Malfoy." A voice snapped Draco from his thoughts.

"Potter," He glanced over and sneered, "Taking pity on the disappointment, are you?"

His words were empty, but Draco knew that Harry Potter was not one for recognizing lies.

(As if he was any better).

Surprisingly, Harry ignored his jab at the unconscious boy.

"Dumbledore told me to come get you."

Draco turned away.


A sigh.

"Ginny went missing so the teachers want us to gather together so they can keep us safe." Harry looked like he was in a hurry. Desperation filled Harry's eyes.

(He wants to save Ginny like the hero he is).

Draco only scoffed.

"Serves her right with all the trouble Weasley's cause."

Harry opened his mouth to snap back, but a rustling interrupted him, and Miku sat up. 


Miku arose from a heavy blanket of blackness in time to hear the news of Ginny's disappearance.

His head hurt  - nothing new there - and his body throbbed. He squinted as he blinked open his eyes, blinded momentarily by the light. He groaned and sat up.

(Moving hurt).

He fixed his tired eyes on the boy next to his bed, completely disregarding Harry as he made eye contact with Draco. He looked so, so empty.

Are you ok?

Miku's body trembled as he moved one bandaged hand from its place under the covers to gently touch Draco's cheek.

(The sheer effort of moving his arm was too much for Miku, but he did it anyway).

For a moment, they held eye contact, but then Draco seemed to remember that Harry was there and he turned away from Miku's hand.

"I'm fine."

Miku huffed, liar.

(They both were).

"Says you." Draco snapped. Miku flinched.

So he was upset. He smiled sadly, and opened his mouth, nothing came out and Miku shut it.

(He wanted to speak, but he couldn't).

It was for the best.

Miku decided, unaware the Draco had looked back in time to catch that resigned sentence.

"Your even more stupid than Weasley."

He frowned and tilted his head in confusion.


This time, his thought went unanswered as Harry interrupted. Miku ignored him as the boy spoke in a taut voice, obviously frustrated that he was being ignored when he had 'hero things' to be doing.

 (It was understandable, as it was his future girlfriend that was missing).

He rolled his eyes.

Straight people.

As Draco and Harry started arguing, Miku slowly pushed back his covers and maneuvered his body so that his legs were over the side of the bed. The two were too busy squabbling to stop Miku from being stupid.

It's probably a bad idea, but-

Miku slipped off the edge of the bed, landing on his feet for a second before his legs promptly gave out beneath him. He hit the floor with a muffled thud - muffled due to the amount of bandages wrapped around him. The other two stopped arguing abruptly, both racing to his side - well, Harry did, Draco just leaned down from the chair that he was sitting on -  with exclamations of concern.


Ouch, that hurt.

"What did you expect, you idiot?" Draco said as he helped Miku stand.

But Miku's body was having none of that standing business and his legs buckled yet again, resulting in Miku landing in Draco's lap. They all froze.

Well, this is awkward.

"Shut it." 

Miku made himself comfortable on Draco's lap.

Harry stared.

(Didn't he have to save Ginny?)


Its a longer, happier chapter this time. This entire book has been quite dark so far, so I wanted to lighten it up a bit lol. The end of the book is nearing - about 4 or 5 ish more chapters to go - so I would like to;

1) Thank all readers for putting up with this book and its lazy author so far


2) Ask if you would like to do a Q&A? Ask me or any of the characters questions and we will answer~ 

Love you all 


Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now