Chapter 15

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"Miku. Open your eyes, sweetheart." 

A soft, gentle voice. It was familiar, yet it was a voice Miku hadn't heard in years. His eyes flickered open. He was in the Hospital Wing, standing - no, floating - next to a bed. His body felt unnaturally light, and when he lifted one of his pale hands up to the light, he found shimmering skin where solid once was. Miku noticed dully that his body did not rise in the usual act of breathing. 

(So he was dead?).

"No baby, not yet," He looked over, following the voice, finally registering the small, beautiful woman standing at the end of the bed he was next to.

Perhaps if he was still in his body, tears would have come to his eyes and he would have fallen to the ground. But now, Nothing more than an overflowing barrage of emotions washed over him, choking his next words as a lump formed in his throat. He swallowed, golden eyes wide with an unreadable amount of emotion.

"Mama?" Miku whispered the word quietly, taking a cautious step towards the woman.

She smiled, "Miku."

He cried out, rushing to her, embracing his mother tightly. They stayed that way, pressing firmly against each other in a desperate expression of fulfilled longing. Miku felt lips pressing against the crown of his head, fingers ruffled his hair, and then his mother pulled away.

"Sunshine, I need you to listen to me," She caressed his face, and unable to speak, Miku just nodded, "You need to live."

His mother paused, letting the words register in his mind.

(So he was dead.)

"There are people waiting for you to open your eyes," At Miku's disbelieving expression, she gestured towards the bed, "Look."

There a blonde boy sat, holding Miku's - his body's - hand, tired eyes studying his face, lips whispering prayers against his hand.

"He is waiting for you to fight the fate given to us by our ancestors," Miku's mother's words were strong, filled with a confidence he didn't know how to have, "You have already succeeded once."

She pulled Miku over to his body, transparent fingers lifting a small pendant from his neck. The hourglass was cracked, it grains were piled in it's lower half. Trembling, Miku reached out his hand and smoothed his fingers over the surface. He knew what he had to do. 

"But Mama-" 

"Your time is not up yet, you will see me once again in the future, when I come to guide you and your beloved to rest," His mother turned to him, smiling softly, "Do not worry, Sunshine, everything will be okay."

Then, using Miku's hand, she tipped the hourglass over. The grains began to fall again. His eyes widened, but before Miku could react white light enveloped him and she faded from his view.

Miku shot up, gasping for air, sobs racking his body.


Dully, he registered a voice calling his name, but he couldn't hear them. No, he was far too underwater for that. 


Miku shook uncontrollably, hugging his legs to his chest.


He shuddered, eyes rolling before everything fell into place. It was like someone had turned up the volume and now, he lifted his head looked around. The first thing Miku's eyes fell on was Draco. With a trembling, bare hand, Miku reached out, fingers brushing gently against the disheveled boy's tired face.

"Miku." Instantly, his character fell away, no sign of Miku's bully in the way relief fluttered across Draco's face.

A weak smile tugged at Miku's mouth and he leaned forward until his head rested underneath Draco's chin. He tilted his head up, pressing his lips against Draco's throat.


He mouthed the word against the other boy's skin, the gesture a substitute for speaking. Miku could feel the vibration of Draco's vocal chords as he spoke, repeating Miku's name over and over again. Each time, Miku mouthed the same words against his skin.

I'm here.


Chapter 15 is done! Next are 2 special chapters because there were a few scenes that I wanted to write - but since I wrote 90 percent of this book from memory, I forgot about them. Then there will be a few 'explanation chapters' for those who are interested in what the pictures at the start of the chapters meant and the little pieces of symbolism you probably didn't notice were there.


This is the last proper chapter of this book.

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now