Chapter 10

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Miku was on fire. His skin burned and sweat soaked his body. His blood boiled inside him. It was hell, but that was not what caused the tears to trickle from his eyes. The open wounds, sour and infected, were not the cause of the dry sobs that raked his body. The cause came from where the wet wood of his room touched his bare skin, allowing images to flow into Miku's mind.

No. Not images.


Memories - His? He didn't know - crowded his mental space, flooding his consciousness, making his head pound. Why-

Blood fell in perfect, crimson droplets. It's owner smiled as she stroked the boys head.

"It's okay, sunshine," She cooed, paying no mind to the wound that adorned the arm, "Your okay."

He groaned as the image faded, colour blurring back into red, then gasped-

His mother's scream ripped him from his sleep. 

Thuds from underneath his room and scared, but curious, he rolled from his bed and crouched low to the floor - so that his face was pressed against the smooth wood. He peered through the floorboards, and recoiled instantly. His father had been poised over his mother, whose beaten body was limp beneath the man.


Another scene.

The man raised the knife above his son's smooth, porcelain skin. He wanted to taint him.  Oh how excited he was to hear him scream. 

Was he still breathing? He wasn't sure. Did his body have enough energy to?

The man was delighted, his eyes glowed with cruel satisfaction. Ecstasy filled the man as the child screamed. He sounded beautiful. 

The memory cut off abruptly and Miku's mouth gaped in a soundless scream as his body was shifted and suddenly, a barrage of new images slammed into his mind. He couldn't take it anymore and as blackness and pain drowned him, Miku wished- no, he begged. 

Please, kill me.

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now