Chapter 8

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Miku stood at the front door of his house. It's cheerful yellow exterior looked exactly as he remembered it.

How long had it been since he was last here? 

He hadn't bothered bringing anything home with him, there wouldn't be any need of it. Miku's stomach riled, his body began to tremble, but he pushed it back down.


He didn't knock - why would he? - and entered his house, freezing in the doorway.


They made eye contact, gold eyes meeting red, and Miku shrunk away, habitually lowering his eyes.


"Door." The man ordered, eyes piercing Miku as he obediently pushed the door shut behind him.

(Why is he so weak?)

"Now, strip."

Miku stiffened, slipped his shoes off, but went no further. He raised his eyes defiantly.


Fire flared in those cruel red eyes and before Miku could register it, the man seized an umbrella from the umbrella rack and pain rained down upon Miku.

(Why did he think he could win?)

The umbrella slammed into his side, his arm, his head, his stomach, his back, everywhere and even when Miku fell to the ground, the blows still came.

When they stopped, a fierce hand gripped his peach coloured hair, effortlessly lifting him off the ground. His clothes tore. Tears trickled from his eyes.



Three hours later, Miku's naked, bruised body thudded to the ground. The man looked down at the boy, disgusted. How he had fathered such a thing was beyond him. In a form of what could have possibly been seen as pity, the man strolled to the pantry and grabbed a bottle. Returning to the wounded boy, he unscrewed the lid and pored it over the unmoving body. Miku screamed. The man smirked, glancing at the label on the bottle.


It suited the boy.


Miku watched his father walk away, his peach hair limp, gold eyes soulless.

His body, beaten.

(His mind, broken).

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now