Chapter 13

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I'm back after spoiling my other account :p

Miku stood at the edge of the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, trying to remember just how he had gotten himself from minding his own business at school to standing on the edge of a black drop. Honestly, he hardly remembered the trip here - the journey from the Hospital Wing to the entrance too painful for Miku. Plus, persuading Draco to go back without him had been mentally taxing, and so had been sneaking out without being noticed by Madam Pomfrey.

Beside him, Lockhart cautiously peeked over the edge. He winced at the dark drop and scuttled away.

"Excellent, Harry," He gave a nervous chuckle, "Well then, I'll just be-" He stuttered, the collected himself, "There's no need for me to stay!"

Lockhart threw himself forward and Miku watched in amusement as he made an unsuccessful escape attempt. Side stepping as Harry and Ron shoved their teacher nearly into the hole, the two boys brandished their wands.

If they want to be villains, they seem to show some talent.

"You first," Harry nodded his head towards the drop.

"N-now boys, what good would it do-" 

"Better you than us," Ron interrupted. 

Lockhart's face went pale. Miku internally chuckled, entertained. Then, as if accepting that logic, he turned to face the edge. Then one moment later, he was looking over his shoulder in regret.

"You sure you don't-" Ron shoved the man, sending him over the edge but not before he seized hold of Miku's hospital gown, pulling Miku after him.

Miku squeaked, half alarmed, half enjoying the horrified expression on Harry and Ron's faces as suddenly there was no land beneath his feet, and darkness swallowed him up.


The ground hit them both hard, well actually, it was only Miku who was hit hard, his wounds sending rivers of pain washing through him. Beside him, Lockhart's voice echoed faintly. Then, more pain ricochet through him as the teacher dragged Miku aside.

"It would have been better if a disgusting thing like you had never been born."

A quiet croon of distress escaped him, the words echoing inside his head disrupting his precarious mental state. He became all too aware of the unsettling amount of bones that he rested on.

"Miku?" He groaned as hands shook him.

Damn Harry and his need to drag me along.

(He should have just listened to Draco).

Ignoring the concerned voices that aroused him from his drifting, Miku grit his teeth and pushed himself to his feet. He wobbled dangerously and barely registered the red hair that steadied him.

With a phrase of mushed sound, they were moving again. Ron basically carried Miku over the ridge that Harry had easily jumped. Now, as they moved along, Miku made it his job to silently curse Harry.

Why must I pay for his foolishness?

Slowly, Miku's consciousness slipped away from him - returning to him only in jolts - and Ron (after a fair amount of discussion with Harry) ended up piggybacking him. Even drifting through consciousness, Miku could feel Ron's anxious gaze on him. 

Gently, Miku pressed his head reassuringly into Ron's neck.

I'm fine.

Just then, the snake skin came into view and Lockhart fell to the ground beside them. Alarmed, Miku tried to get his body to move, to warn Ron.


"Hard to rely on this one," Ron's voice was threaded with exasperation.

In one movement, Lockhart rolled, coming alive from his act, snatching Ron's wand from his grasp. As the two boys froze, terrified and Lockhart spoke his plan aloud, Miku reassuringly rubbed his head against Ron. 

It will not work.

"You first, Mr. Potter," Lockhart focused on Harry, "Say goodbye to your memories."

He brandished the wand, shouting the spell name and Miku squeezed his eyes shut. A bright light lit the cave, then an explosion of impact as Lockhart collided with the wall.

(If the basilisk didn't know they were here before, it certainly knew now).

Silence. Then, there was a loud rumble as the cave collapsed, separating Harry from Ron and Miku. Miku sighed, annoyed.

How was he meant to help that idiot hero now?

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now