Chapter 3

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She looked over her shoulder, he stood in the doorway, frozen.


A cry of pain from his mother.

"How dare you!" A man's shout.

His heart dropped and he ran into the kitchen and threw himself in front of his mother.

The man snarled before a hand met his cheek, sending him crashing to the floor.

"Wait your turn, bitch"

He bit his lip in an effort not to cry out in pain. 

"Sunshine!" The woman's voice cracked at the sight of her son crumpled on her tiled ground.


His head snapped around in shock, staring wide eyed at his mother. She was holding a rolling pin where the man's face had been. Now, he nursed the side of his face in one hand on the ground. His mother had hit the man.   

"Mama-" He croaked, his world was blurring, he must have hit his head on the floor.

"Sunshine, run" His mother was calm, but her tone made him pull his eight year old body to its feet and stumble out of the kitchen.

He didn't stop until he reached his room, and only once he had shut his door, did he allow the first sob to burst from his lips.

Then his house erupted, the man shouted and his mother started screaming.

It was heart shattering, broken but defiant screams.

Broken because she couldn't take much more of this.

Defiant because she knew she must. 

Because she knew that if she broke, if she let this man dominate her, then he would hurt her son.

And she would never let her son suffer. 


Miku awoke, gasping for air, tears choking him, drowning in the echo's of his mother's screams.

"Quickly!" A woman's old voice, accompanied by the clutter of a stretcher's wheels on the stone floor.

(Ah, Professor McGonagall).

The voices mushed together as Miku focused on stifling his choked gasps, but he could roughly distinguish who had entered the wing. 

(Madam Pomfrey,  Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore).


A short silence then;

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened again"

Hogwarts is no longer safe.


After an unsettled night, Miku was deemed able to leave the confines of the Hospital wing by Madam Pomfrey, who sent him off with a concerned, "we've been seeing too much of each other lately". And he was joined by Harry Potter as they began the journey to breakfast. Miku didn't feel like eating, but after he tried to escape to the library by casually wandering in the opposite direction to the dining hall, Harry had a firm grip on his sleeve and was basically dragging him to breakfast. 

"You were awake last night." Harry stated. 

Miku inclined his head. 


"They said the Chamber of Secrets was open," He continued after Miku's acknowledgement, "I wonder what that is."

It is a very dangerous place.

Miku stopped dead. Harry turned to look at the other boy. They made eye contact.


His golden eyes burned, however, no matter how fluent in parseltongue and English Harry was, he could not, in fact, read eyes.


They broke eye contact as foot steps split the silence. Miku turned and as soon as he saw the platinum blond hair, his heart sunk. 

(Another misunderstanding).

And when Draco looked up and his eyes locked onto the two, Miku knew that there was indeed another misunderstanding about to take place. He stalked up to the pair and stopped a few paces away.

"Arm no longer spaghetti, Potter?" Draco sneered, but before Harry could reply, he turned a scrutinizing gaze onto Miku, "And you, Owens, first embarrassing our house by having a fit on the floor and now hanging out with this Gryffindor rabble? Appalling."

Miku flinched, gloved hands trembling at his sides as he averted his eyes, taking care not to meet Draco's harsh gaze. 

I'm sorry.

He  tried to force his emotions to calm back into an undisturbed pool.

(Words are just words, they cannot cause any physical harm).

He felt Draco's eyes on him and when Miku was sure his emotions were under control, he looked up to meet his grey eyes. They held contact for a moment, Miku's gold eyes a practiced blank, Draco's eyes softened.

(He must have imagined it).

Draco brushed past them.

"Owens, come." He ordered, but Miku did not move.

He was still hurt by the other boys harsh words.

Noticing, the lack of movement, Draco glanced over his shoulder, and somehow, he must have seen the pain in Miku's eyes.

He did a 180 degree turn and walked back to Miku. Wearily, he watched the Slytherin come closer. Then suddenly, there was warmth on his hand, and Miku was yet again being dragged to breakfast, except this time, it was Draco dragging him.

A small squeak of surprise escaped him as the bully pulled him along.

I don't want to eat!

Harry stared after them in bewilderment.


Chapter 3 is fini! YAS I DID IT! I updated! Though I dont think this is such a good chapter- in fact, I think it positively sucks - I'm still gonna publish it anyway! This chapter is a bit longer! See you guys next chapter XD  

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now