Chapter 5

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A woman's desperate screams.

A man's strong hand gripped the back of his head.

He stared fearfully down into the full bath tub.

"Stop!" The woman screamed.

"Please don't hurt him!" She begged, "You can hurt me, but don't hurt him, not my son!"

The water rushed to meet his face.

"Please." His mother sobbed.

The man laughed, a psychotic sound that was the last thing he heard before his head was shoved under the water.

Now nine years old, he knew to hold his breath when the man held him under water. He knew to stay limp, struggling like a fish out of water only made it worse.

1 minute passed.

His face was thrust further down, hitting the bottom of the sink, but he knew the mans tactics. He knew that if he reacted, he would not last. So he clenched his mouth shut tight, even when the man began to slam his face into the bottom of the sink.


2 seconds past.


1 second past.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The man was demanding him to give up.

But he would not, no, could not give up.

He would never give in.

His chest tightened

3 seconds past

A burning pain spread, black dots danced in his vision.

He was going to drown.

Miku fought for air. He choked on the water droplets and his chest heaved with heavy sobs. He felt like he had been physically thrown back into his body and the shock from his nightmare still crowded his brain. He still couldn't breath. The man was still holding his head under water.


Miku's fingers tightened in his hair as he fought with himself.

"Owens!" A voice brought Miku out of his panic attack and back into the world.

He attached himself to the voice, seizing the sound as an anchor in the pain. The reason in the madness of his brain.

He slowly opened his eyes and attempted to blink off the water drops that were falling into his eyes. He was startled to see Draco's scrutinizing grey eyes peering down at him. Miku blinked. The two stared at each other, Miku's eyes red from crying, Draco's wide in what seemed to be worry. Strange.


He inclined his head in question.

"Snape sent me to check on you since you didn't turn up to class." Was Draco's reply.

Miku's left eyebrow shot up before he could stop it, a skeptical, but amused expression ghosted his face.


Why? Because Miku always skipped class, especially potions, and Snape never cared. 

"W-what! I am not-" Miku stood up, unfurling his body in one liquid movement, cutting off Draco's flustered defense.

Join me.

"No!" Draco stepped back, and Miku took a step forwards, reaching out a gloved hand to tug at the knot that held the front of Draco's Slytherin robe together.

He looked up, peaking out from under his long, wet lashes as Draco's robe fell to his shoulders.


Draco shook his head, biting his lip in concentration. Concentrating on what, you may ask. Well, he was concentrating on not being swayed by Miku's adorable puppy eyes. How one could be so cute while being so devilish at the same time was unfathomable.

Miku pushed his Slytherin robe to the ground. 

Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Draco shook his head again. No.

Miku huffed and clapped his wet gloved hands against either side of the other boys face, squishing his cheeks with an oddly serious expression on his face, as if deciding something.

Then Draco realised something.

"Why do you always wear gloves?"

Miku froze, an unreadable expression crossing his face.

No. Not yet. 

Now was not the time to tell that secret.

Later. I will tell you another time.

Draco frowned, but before he could comprehend what was happening, a mischievous grin lit up Miku's face, brightening his features, accentuating his beauty. And Miku pulled them both backwards and into the running shower.

Draco yelped.

"I'm still wearing my clothes, Miku!"

They both froze.

Did you just... A small smile spread over his face.

Draco's face flushed a bright red.


I like it. Call me that again.

"What? No!" Draco snapped.







Miku's eye brow twitched instinctively.

Go ahead. He pestered. Say it.


And Miku laughed. A joyous, bell like sound that surprised them both.

 Tears glistened in his eyes.


The first time he had ever laughed in years.



Hohoho~ I have updated yet again~ YAS! Anyways, I know Draco is a bittttttt ooc in this chapter, but it was really hard to keep him in character so I tried to keep the presence of his character there, but since this is my take on him, Draco will have a softer side to him, but I will try my hardest to keep the foundations of his character there

so tell me, did I succeed or fail spectacularly?

 I really love reading comments, so feel free to comment!! :) 

Have a great day/night!! 


Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now