Chapter 2

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Miku awoke to the familiar surroundings of the Hospital wing, his headache not improved and with a mood to kill. He was surprised to see Harry Potter in the bed over - asleep or unconscious - with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger chatting quietly at Harry's bedside.

A flash of envy shot through Miku, he didn't have anyone who cared for him, but the stray emotion was gone in an instant, and he returned to his normal state of nothingness.

If Miku had to describe his emotions, it would be like a open expanse of water, still and inactive, not moving, but if a pebble drops into it, the water stirs, then disperses back into its original form.

His emotions were not consistent, sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not. This leads to sudden large bursts of overwhelming emotions, which causes this mornings incident. Which is a regular occurrence in Miku's day. 

"What happened to you in potions in the morning?" Miku flinched at Hermione's voice.

"Owens, I'm talking to you." She sighed when Miku had just blinked at her in confusion.

Nothing. He shook his head, frowning slightly.

The frizzy brown haired girl opened her mouth to say something, but Ron cut her off. 

"Nevermind him, Hermione," Ron said, rolling his eyes in exasperation, "He wouldn't speak even if his life depended on it."

Miku inclined his head in slight agreement. Ron was half right, he would not speak even if his life depended on it, but he was half wrong, because it wasn't that he wouldn't speak, Miku couldn't. It frustrated him endlessly. 

Just then, Malfoy and his cronies paraded into the room.

"Conversing with Gryffindor are we, Owens?" His snide voice greeted them and Miku saw Ron pull a face at him.

The blonde stopped at Harry's bed, sneered at the unconscious figure, then continued until he was in front of Miku. 

"Professor Snape told me to check on you." Draco fixed him with a scathing glare.

Why would Snape care about me?

Miku blinked once. 


"What's wrong with you?" Draco spat after a lengthy silence.

If you haven't noticed yet, I don't speak. Miku raised an eyebrow.

Draco frowned. 

Did he understand that? I mean, not many people read eyes.

The other boy bristled and opened his mouth for a snarky reply.

Ah yes, it seems he did.

"Do you want us to beat him up?" The fatter minion of Draco's bumbled.

No thanks.

Miku's head pounded, the concentration required to communicate through eyes was enough to make him ponder whether or not living was worse than being dead. His vision grew bleary and one of his pale hands reached up to nurse his head.

"Are you stupid, Crabbe?" Draco snapped, setting off in the direction of the exit, "Why would I waste my time on a good-for-nothing who doesn't even know how to speak?"

Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now