Chapter 4

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Miku had quickly caught up to Draco, as he didn't enjoy getting dragged, and now the two walked side by side, hand in hand. He assumed that Draco had forgotten about the fact that he was holding Miku's hand, but he certainly hadn't. 

The feeling of warmth on his cold gloved hand was unfamiliar and Miku did not know what to make of it. Contact was something that Miku hadn't had since his mother died. She was the only one who could touch him, so when she died, he avoided human contact at all costs.  

The two boys reached the dining hall and Miku moved his body slightly in front in an effort to cover their joined hands. They reached the Slytherin table and only when they sat down did Draco seem to realise that he was holding Miku's hand. He pulled his hand away, but Miku tightened his grip. They looked at each other, and the blond opened his mouth to snap at the peach haired boy.


His golden eyes pleaded. He didn't know why, but he didn't want to let go yet. Just a little longer. After a moment of consideration, Draco turned away, allowing Miku to clutch his hand tightly, as if it were an anchor and he was in danger of floating away.


After breakfast, Miku and Draco had both went their separate ways, even though they both had the same class next. But Miku felt like throwing up, his insides rejecting the food he had just eaten. He hurried to the Slytherin dormitory, attempted what he remembered the password was, then printed to the bathroom, nearly not making it when vomit burst from his mouth. He threw up the entirety of his breakfast, emptying his stomach into the toilet. The taste of stomach acid was unpleasant and the act of throwing up used all of Miku's energy. After he had finished, vaguely remembered shutting the door before flushing the toilet, then stripping off his clothes and stumbling into the shower. He turned on the water and curled up, shutting his eyes and wishing time away.


Extremely short, I know, but I didn't know what else to put in this chapter- I had a whole plan for chapter 4 but it ended up shorter than I expected

I hope you enjoyed and please tell me your thoughts on the current story so far and if theres anything I can work on in my writing! Some constructive critism is greatly appreciated!! 

love you guys!!!


Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now