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A stowaway

Lucy and Emma walked up to the basket

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Lucy and Emma walked up to the basket. Out crawled a little girl.
"Look." Lucy called.
"Gael?" Her father questioned as he walked forward. "What are you doing here?"
Gael stood up and moved her hair from her face. Her father walked to her. "Here." He said as he hugged her.
Eustace got up from the floor.
Drinian walked forward with the orange still in his hand. Gael and her father looked down. Gael, hiding behind the man.
"Looks like we have an extra crew member." Drinian said. Gaels father smiled and Drinian gave Gael the orange with a small smile. Gael took it and Drinian walked away.
Lucy and Emma stepped up to her.
"Welcome aboard." Emma said with a smile.
"Your Majesties." Gael said and curtsied.
"Call me Lucy, this is Emma. Come on." Lucy said and she and the young girl walked away. Emma smiled after them.
"Come on, look lively! Back to work!" Drinian ordered.

Eustace grabbed his fallen knife and looked around for Reepicheep.
"Good match." Reep complimented. "I'll make a swordsman of you yet."  Eustace smiled and nodded a thanks.
"Yes, well, if the playing field were a little more even, would have been an entirely different result." He said and walked away. Reep laughed. "Indeed."

The ship sailed through two greeny land forms.

The ship sailed through two greeny land forms

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Emma walked to Caspian in his office area.
"Mind if I come in?" She asked. He looked up at her.
"Of course." He moved some papers to the side and stood up. Emma walked to his desk and leaned on it, he walking in front of her.
"You're good with children." He complements.
"What?" She asked with furrowed brows.
"The little girl, you were good with her." He smiled.
"Ah, yes, well, you know. I'm the eldest girl. This makes me a second mother to my younger siblings. And Peter." She explained. He chuckled. Emma smiled and looked down.
"I really have missed you Caspian." She said looking up again. "And, do you-do you remember what I told you before I left?"
"How could I forget? I think about it, and you, everyday." He tells her. He then, leaned in close to her face and placed his hands on the desktop.
"I love you too." he whispered and pecked her lips. Emma smiled and pulled him to her again.
They began kissing. Emma so missed this.
Drinian walked through the doors and stopped.
The two young adults stopped and looked at him. Caspian backed away.
"Sorry to interrupt." Drinian said awkwardly. "But, uh, we found land."
"Right," Caspian nodded. "Uh, be right there."
Drinian nodded and left quickly.
Emma and Caspian shared a quick glance and chuckled. He walked back to her and cupped her face. He pecked her lips again and backed towards the doors.
"Come on."

"It looks uninhabited." Caspian comments looking through a telescope. "But if the lords followed the mist east, they would have stopped here."
"Could be a trap." Drinian points out.
"Or it could hold some answers." Edmund added. "Caspian?"
"We'll spend the night on shore." He said closing the telescope and handing it to Drinian. "Scour the island in the morning."
"Aye, Your Majesty." Drinian nodded.

The crew set up on shore and everyone fell asleep.
Heavy footsteps sounded on the ground, and big footprints appeared.
"Seems they've brought a pig." a voice whispered. Eustace was snoring rather loudly.
"This one, it's female." Another voice whispered. There, Lucy slept peacefully with a book next to her.
A giant footprint showed up right next to Emma.
"So's this one."
"This one reads." The first voice said skimming the book.
"Let's take her."

Something grabbed Lucy and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream.

a/n: sorry this is a short chapter

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