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The Beautiful Blue Star

The Beautiful Blue Star

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"Travelers of Narnia. Welcome." The woman spoke. Her voice was honey as it rung out over the room. All of the crew bowed, save Edmund, Lucy, and Caspian. Emma bowed in respect, seeing as she wasn't royalty herself.
"Rise." The woman chuckled. "Are you not hungry?"
"Who are you?" Edmund asked rudely.
"I'm Liliandil, daughter of Ramandu. I am your guid." Liliandil said with a smile.
Edmund glanced at Caspian and his sister with a small smirk.
"Your a star." Caspian breathed out as they walked forward. Liliandil nodded.
"You are most beautiful." Emma gasped out.
"I-if it is a distraction for you, I-I can change form." Liliandil explained hurriedly.
"No." Caspian and Edmund said at the same time. Then they took a challenging glance at each other. Lucy and Emma shared a glance. Emma shook her head before she smacked Caspian and Edmund up the back of their heads.
"Ow!" Edmund grunted. He and Caspian held the back of their heads.
"Keep it together boys, we have work to do." Emma said with a roll of the eye. She then smiled and bowed to Liliandil.
"Please." Liliandil said. "The food is for you." With a raise of her arms, the candles lit. "There is enough for all who are welcome and Aslan's Table. Always." The room was quiet. "H-help yourselves." Liliandil tried again. The crew began to grab for the food.
"Wait," Edmund called. "What happened to them?" He pointed to the lords.
"These poor men where half mad by the time they reached our shores." Liliandil explained. "They were threatening violence upon each other. Violence is forbidden at the Table of Aslan, so they were sent to sleep."
"Why not send Emma to sleep then?" Edmund mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. There were a few chuckled from the crew but they stopped when Emma smacked Edmund again.
"Will they ever wake?" Lucy asked the star in a means to change the subject.
"When all is out right." Liliandil nodded. "Come, there is little time." Liliandil then walked off. Edmund walked forward first. Caspian hesitated and he looked back to Emma, who avoided eye contact and walked forward with Lucy. Caspian sighed.

Liliandil walked through the trees quickly until she came upon a small lip on the ground.
"The magician, Coriakin, told you of the Dark Island?" The woman asked.
"Yes." Caspian answered as he walked forward.
The five of them just stood there, looking at the island beyond. It was smoke filled and was erupting in green mists.
"Before long, the evils will be unstoppable." Liliandil said grimly.
"Coriakin said to break the spell, we lay the seven swords at Aslan's Table." Caspian recited.
"He speaks the truth." Liliandil nodded.
"But we only found six." Edmund pointed out. "Do you know where the seventh is?"
Liliandil pointed toward the island. "In there."
"Oh god." Emma muttered.
"You will need great courage." The star told them. The Pevensie's shared a glance.
"Now, waist no time." Liliandil turned to face them, making eye contact with each of them.
"I hope we meet again." Caspian smiled at the star.
"Goodbye." She smiled at him. She shone bright and turned back into the star. She then shot up towards the sky.
Emma scoffed and walked away first. Edmund following close behind.
"You know," Lucy began, glancing at the king. "She really loves you. She only ever talked of you." And with that, the Pevensie girl walked away.
Caspian sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Edmund, where's Emma?" Caspian asked as he jogged toward the eating group. Edmund just pointed the same way they came.
Caspian took off in a jog again and looked around.
"Emma." He called. A twig snapped not to far from him. He rushed over to see Emma sitting on a bench.
"Emma." He sighed as he kneeled down in front of her. "Emma, darling, what's wrong?"
"I shouldn't be this stupid." Emma chuckled. She lifted her head and Caspian could see the tear stains running out her face.
"What's wrong?" Caspian asked again.
"I know that once this adventure is over, I'll have to go back. It isn't fair to you." Emma explained wiping her eyes.
"What do you mean?" Caspian asked.
"I shouldn't ask for your promise when I might not be called back here. I shouldn't be getting so, emotional, over another girl that will be here." Emma chuckled again.
"Emma." Caspian took her hands in his. "Emma, look at me." The girl complied.
"Emma Pevensie, you are the only girl I will ever love. No matter what. I don't care if there are other girls who will be here, I will only ever dream of you." He told her. "I love you so much."
Emma smiled and fell of the bench and into Caspian's arms. The two of them fell backward onto the ground.
"I love you too, Caspian. I love you so, so much." Emma gasped. Caspian chuckled and rolled so that his body was over hers.
"And you don't have to ask for my promise." Caspian continued. "It's all yours for the taking." He placed a kiss on her lips.

The couple stayed this way for a moment, just basking in the feeling of each other

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The couple stayed this way for a moment, just basking in the feeling of each other.
"Uhm, guys." Lucy's voice rang out. Caspian's and Emma looked at her from where they laid of the ground.
"The, uh, the crew is ready to head back. Just wanted to warn you." She said before running off.
Emma and Caspian glanced at each other before laughing at her embarrassed demeanor.
"Well, are you going to get up?" Emma asked with a smile. Caspian just looked at her.
"I'm just remembering every detail of this moment." He told her. Emma chuckled and grabbed his collar, pulling him down for another kiss.
This is when the king stood up and extended his hand. Emma took it and was pulled up just when the crew came barreling through he walk way. Happy as could be.
Once they saw the couple just looking at each other, the quietly backed up.
"Don't worry, crew." Caspian said as he broke eye contact with Emma. "Go ahead."
The silence was short lived as the crew, now with permission to go, continued their singing and chatting. Emma just laughed as she saw them all.

The next morning, the Dawn Treader was closer to the Dark Island than ever before.
The rumble that came with it sounding eerily like a warning.
"So, what do you think is in there?" Tarvors asked rhetorically.
"Our worst nightmares." Edmund explained.
"Our darkest wishes." Caspian continued.
"Pure evil." Drinian finished. "Tarvors, unlock the armory." Drinian ordered as he walked toward the crew.
"My lord." Tarvors nodded before heading down the stairs.
"Archers, prepare yourselves." Drinian yelled.
"Aye, Captain." A man said.
"Light the lanterns." Tarvors added.
"Let's get ready." Caspian said to the Pevensie siblings.

a/n: so another update lol. i'm determined to get this story up for you guys :)

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