Part 2

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“Where am I?”  Mom asked, everyone rushed to the bed literally everyone even myself we were all worried for a second, well not all of us. Ntsika was praying so hard that this moment doesn’t come where he would have to explain himself already our father had given him a piece of his mind not in so many words though but I am pretty sure they cut deep because I had never seen him so devastated. Obviously he had to be because should anything had happened to mom we were going to blame him. “Where is Ntsikayomzi?” mom asked, and by the time one of us was about to answer her Nstika walked in with his head down just like how he used to back in the days whenever he did something wrong and our mother would just forgive him while the rest of us got a good beating, but we all knew that this time he was not going to get out of this just by that walk.

 “Everyone get out!’ mom shouted as we all got out she said “not you Ntsika sitdown”. “mom I can explain it’s not what Nkosiyabo said it is, he just saw me out with a friend and he ended up spending a night at my house honestly I am into girls and one of these days I will bring you the daughter in-law you have been wishing for,” Ntsika tried his best to explain but moms face showed us she was not buying it as we peaked through the window of the room she was in. Nkosiyabo on the other hand was ready to make matters worse for Ntsika and for the family as a whole, how can I forget that whenever he came back secrets would be out in the open what did he call himself again, he called himself the truth teller of this family yet we were still able to trust him with our secrets it was just a matter of time before one of us was in trouble with the parents.

We could see mom shouting just by looking at her lips move that frown on her face and her loud voice. “You know that I was not born yesterday when you walked in you had your head down the same thing you did whenever you had done something wrong and you hoped to get away with it well not this time I won’t let the devil play with you my son! what has Johannesburg done to my son Oh father God help me what have I done to deserve such useless kids, listen here Ntsika tomorrow we are going to church I will pray for the demons to get out of you hear me?”. “but mama…..” mom stopped Ntsika before he could finish his sentence” I do not want to hear it now please get out of here and call your father for me.”

We all could see Ntsika turn slowly and walking towards the door when he opened the door the first thing he did was run towards Nkosiyabo with a fist big enough to break his jaw but he did not reach his face because we all stopped him “ah the gay can be a man “, Nombuso shouting as she laughed walking away, Ntsika turned and told our dad that our mom was asking for him. He did not waste his time he went in to the love of his life leaving us to try keep Ntsika and Nkosiyabo separate. “My wife are you okay I heard you shouting, please try to calm down.

You scared me I really thought I was going to lose you. We need to do something about this boy he needs a prayer get these demons out of him or better yet he must get a wife no son of mine can be gay what will the congregation say. We cannot allow this madness to go on mfazi [wife].” Mom just laid there silent and dad just knew already that she was not going to let this happened and she already had a plan to cover up Ntsikas mess. “Relax my husband everything will just be fine”, is all she uttered.

Outside we were still trying to restrain two angry brothers who were ready to kill each other. I on the other deeply wishing to remove myself from this situation because who knew what else Nkosiyabo would blurt out Ntsika wasn’t the only one with secrets.” Let me go!,” Ntsika shouting at Jabulile he wanted to beat up Nkosiyabo so bad but we all knew it was going to be the other way around and Ntsika would end up being hospitalized because as much as our brother did not smile much and as much as he was the truth teller as he calls himself he was one angry human being whos anger clouded his judgement. Eventually we were kicked out of the hospital because we were causing chaos.

“Let Ntsika go Jabulile I want to show him how men fight since claims to be one,” Nkosiyabo ordered our sister but she wouldn’t. “Jabulile let him go I want to see something, oops our brother is a coward because he is busy being too much of a lady,” Nombuso shouting while laughing really loud. “So tell me Ntsika who is the husband who is the wife?” Nombuso asks futher while she is laughing. Ntsika got even angry to a point that he broke out of Jabuliles arms bolting towards Nkosiyabo with his fist so tight and Nkosiyabo charged tackling Ntsika to the ground and pinning him down before the rain of punches that followed which knocked Ntsika out.

 By the time our father got out it was too late he was so furious that his golden son had gotten a beating of a lifetime as he confronted Nkosiyabo, Nkosiyabo blurted “you cannot tell me what to do first of all you are not even my father!” he then walked away, we were left in shock and we were very confused what he meant by that. We wondered where does that put the rest of us, is this man our biological father or just like Nkosiyabo we were to tell him the same thing. More secrets being revealed and us? Our current reality was basically about to become a new reality.

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