Part 6

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07:00 am the scent of eggs, freshly brewed coffee bacon and humming woke me up It was Jabulile making us breakfast.  She was her usual self like nothing had happened yesterday.  My sister had a way of letting things go and focusing on what’s to come she would tell me “ Nqaba life is too short for you to dwell in the past you will miss out on the good of your present “  till this day I have not been able to master this because the present is so good as she said it is .

“ Good morning sis “ I greeted her as I passed to pour myself a cup of coffee. “ Hey brother I am sure you must be hungry sit down I made breakfast and freshly squeezed orange juice just like you love it “ Jabulile said with a warm smile on her face. I did not want to ruin her mood so I just sat down and waited but deep down I wanted to ask if she was okay but then again we have our own way of coping "Where is Josephina?" I asked. “ She left “ Jabulile answered. 

Before I could ask another question Nkosiyabo and Nombuso joined me at the table. “ Where did she go ?” Nkosiyabo asked. “ I don’t know “ Jabulile answered. I don’t know why I even asked but I was glad she left the house because it gave us time to actually search her room for the truth. We had already looked in all the other places besides her room. I had a good feeling that we would definitely find something there because as long as I can remember we were not allowed in there.
We had breakfast just like old times when our so called parents were away, Nombuso being the joker that she was and us laughing at her silly jokes bonding like we used to experiencing and feeling happiness and warmth we hadn’t experienced or felt in a long time. A moment I cherish till this day.

I got up and walked towards Josephinas room , Jabulile got up very fast and asked me why I was going there. I told her I am going to search the room for some leads on who our true parents are. “ You cant go in there I already have what you want “ , she said. “What do you mean Jabulile?” I asked. Her face changed she looked scared all of a sudden. “Jabulile answer me” I said. She said I must follow her. We got back to the sitting room she went to one of the cabinets and took out a file with papers. “ What are those?” Nkosiyabo asked.  “ This is the truth that Josephina and Solly kept from us" Jabulile responded.

Suddenly my heart started racing I don’t know about the others but I was suddenly nervous to know the truth to see it for myself. We all went back to the table where Jabulile opened the file that supposedly contained information about us and our parents.

  “ Wait ! “ I shouted. I couldn’t  breath all of a sudden. The next thing I remember I woke up in hospital with an oxygen mask and my three siblings surrounding my bed. “ What happened? I asked. “ You passed out you chicken “ Nombuso answered. I was feeling nervous again “ Did you guys read what was on that file ? “ I asked. “No silly we wouldn’t want to leave you out. We actually have it here with us do you want us to do it here so that you don’t faint on us again ? “ Jabulile answered. The ball was in my court it was either now or never. I decided to change the topic “ Have you guys checked on Ntsika?” I asked.

“ Nqaba don’t  change the topic" Nkosiyabo said. I was caught trying to sneak my way out of making the call to open the file. “ Okay fine let’s open the file" I said. Jabulile took it out of her side bag “ You do the honors “ Jabulile said to me as she place it in my hands. I took a big sigh as I was about to open the file the lady who had once approached me walked in “ I knew you would be back. I thought I taught you how to handle your panic attacks. “ she said.
She was actually a nurse but why did she watch us in a very stalkerish manner? I asked myself.  “ This time it did not give me the chance to . Apparently I just fainted “ I said as I laughed a little.  “ How do you know her “ Nkosiyabo asked. “ the day you beat up Ntsika into a pulp she helped me with my panic attack outside.” I answered him. “Ooh I see.” He said. “You kids have grown up hey “ she said. “ How do you know us? “ Nombuso asked the lady. “It is a long story but to cut it short your mother use to bring you guys for vaccinations at a clinic I use to work in as a student back in the days.

My name is Maria by the way. “ she said. “ Nice to meet you mama “ Jabulile said. I was still puzzled but anyway I had to get back to opening the file but I had to wait for Maria to leave first.

As soon she left I opened the file but everything went blurry for a second.  The first page had our original birth certificates. I took each one and handed it to its rightful owner we realized that we had false identities all along. Jabuliles real name was Faith , Nkosiyabo was Tinashe, Nombuso was Chimamanda, I was Maxwell. I  couldn’t believe this . All along I had such a name but for some reason I still preferred the one I had. I laughed so loud I think I was nervous to actually find out more. I handed the file back to Jabulile because I couldn’t carry on. She pulled out an article that talked about missing children. I did not want her to read it out loud for some odd reason . As she mumbled reading it she mentioned all our names as she placed her hand over her mouth in disbelief. Nkosiyabo snatched the article from her to see for himself suddenly his eyes opened up wide. I knew for some reason that we were actually the missing children.

 Jabulile continued to search for more she came across more articles about missing children they spoke of us. My heart was racing but I wanted to find out more. Maria walked in with a patient who was on a wheelchair, it was Ntsika. “Look who finally woke up and he asked for you guys" Maria said. “ Hey brother nice to see you are up and alive “ I said. He first looked at Nkosiyabo and his eyes had so much anger. “ I’m fine Nqaba. Someone thought he ended me but he will have to do better than that!” Ntsika answered as his angry eyes were on Nkosiyabo.  “ Look brother I am sorry for beating you up badly but you also pushed my buttons “ Nksoiyabo said. “ You broke my nose you bloody fool!!. I broke my hand because of you! How will I ever be able to operate again ? “ he said angrily yet tears rolled down his cheeks. Nkosiyabo reached out to Ntsika  and hugged him as Ntsika continued to cry.

“ Well at least you guys are sorting out your differences just like old times. My job here is done “ Maria said as she walked away. I was left wondering exactly who is this woman and how much does she know about us. I was itching to go after her but then again I had to rest. “ I want to go home . Where is mom ? “ Ntsika said. Jabuliles face changed again she had that scared look. “ We don’t know your mother is probably on the run maybe she stole the stokvels money “ Nombuso answered Ntsika while laughing. Ntsika laughed so hard as he said “ Remember the last time she did that and told me to go tell the stokvel ladies that she is not home but instead I got there and said that she said I must tell you ladies that she is not home “

“ She was so pissed off because you had let the ladies know that she was actually home just that she was running away with their money" Nkosiyabo laughed as he added on to the story.  “ Crazy times I tell you brother “ Ntsika responded. “ Let’s get you home I will make you macaroni and cheese just the way you love it. To cheer you up how is that ? “ Jabulile asked Ntsika.  His smile said it all he did not have to say anything else . It was like Jabulile had said I will give you candy to his 5 year self. “ Nqaba let us love and leave you tomorrow we are coming back for you okay ?” Jabulile said as she held my one cheek.  “C’mon sis you know I am old for that now. Go on guys I need to rest anyway. “ I said. Everyone left and it was just me and my thoughts. How can I forget my newly discovered true identity Maxwell. Rediscovering myself.

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