Part 11

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Have you guys told Jabulile?” I asked. “No not yet we will tell her when we go see her at hospital. I hope she doesn’t do something stupid “ Ntsika said. If only he knew that she wanted the parents gone more than Nkosiyabo and I. After hours of sitting around and getting briefed on the fact that we were seen as suspects I felt my anxiety kicking in from a distance but I was not going to let myself go through it again this time I had pills.  We decided to go see Jabulile and luckily the hospital was not far from the hotel we were staying in. As we were walking Nkosiyabo noticed a car that had been following them from the police station was parked down the hotel.  “ Are they allowed to do that ?. Come and spy on us as if we did anything wrong? “ Nkosiyabo asked. “ I don’t know brother I do not know" I answered. 

We got to the hospital and lets just say we always got the luck of the bumping into Maria . “hi kids I did not think I would see you back here so soon especially after what happened with your father. I’m really sorry about that “ Maria said. “ How do you know about that? “ Nombuso asked. “ The police came here this morning to Jabulile and I was checking up on her when I overheard them and they were questioning her about her whereabouts that day.” Maria said. “ But they have no right to do that . My word where is my sister? “ Nombuso said. “ Well she is in the psychiatric ward we moved her after the police left and visiting hours start an hour from now “ Maria said.
We asked her to show us where the ward is so we could wait in the waiting area and to our surprise we also found Stein there our lawyer. She said Jabulile had requested to see her before she got moved to another ward. Shortly Stein went in to see Jabulile and was there for quite some time well basically till visiting hours were over we ended up leaving because Stein was not coming out as we were so curious about what Jabulile wanted to talk to her about. Going back to the hotel we saw the same car parked by the hospital Nkosiyabo wanted to go confront the person in the car and wanted to find out who he is what he wanted. But I told him that let us not cause more trouble for us already we were going through the most.

7pm We decided that we must go and see Jabulile however we were stopped by Stein. As Nkosiyabo let her in she uttered “ you guys are going to need to sit down for what I am about to tell you". Puzzled and scared because her face was one of a barer of bad news.” If you guys recall your sister requested to see me and I went to see her. She had some news to share with you guys but she couldn’t share them herself so instead she asked me. She said I must apologize to Ntsika first she knows how close you were with your dad. She said I must tell the rest that she had to do it , it was the only way she could guarantee Nombuso that he would never hurt her again. Nqaba and Nkosiyabo she said she knows how badly you both wanted to do it but she could not let you guys do it because she loves you guys and she did not want Nkosiyabo going back to jail. So Jabulile said ….” Before Stein could finish Nkosiyabo cut her “ She killed Solly. That’s what she said . She killed Solly right ? “.

“Yes Jabulile confessed to be the one who killed Solly. After I left she requested that the police be called so she can confess.  She said do not try to stop her because she has to pay for her sins. Not only did she kill Solly but she killed Josephina and right now the police are all over your home trying to ferret out Josephinas body from where Jabulile said she buried her” Stein said. “ Not only did she kill my dad but my mother too! Who does that!? Who kills her own family “ Ntsika shouted while crying. “ In all honesty you have no clue what your so called family put us through.  Your so called dad raping us , your so called mother letting him because she did not care for us nor even love us. So the real monsters here are those two dead beings and good riddance to bad rubbish. If only they deserve to burn in hell for all the things they did to Jabulile and I.  You wouldn’t know a damn thing Ntsika because you are their golden child and their only child. They were never our parents to begin with! “ Nombuso said with a rather infuriated tone. “ So do not sit there and insult Jabulile for her bravery" Nombuso added.

“ Stein how could you let her do this. It should have been me taking Jabuliles place she will not survive in jail and we all know that.” Nkosiyabo said. “ Well on the counter that she is a first time offender , is in a psychiatric ward and that she says that Solly was trying to rape her again but she defended herself her sentence might be less that is if the psychiatrist finds out that she might be unfit for trial and if the police are able to see it was self defence and the court is sold ” Stein said. At that time I felt like the walls were closing in on me and I couldn’t breathe this all too much to take in. As much as I was happy that Josephina and Solly were dead I couldn’t deal with the fact that one of us was actually going to get sentenced for it. Honestly I wished that she could have been smarter with hiding the bodies so that we wouldn’t have to find them but then again she was never going to be the same. I believe this was her way of liberating herself as they say “the truth is not for comfort but for liberation. It is not medication, it’s a killer".

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