Part 16

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It was just a matter of time before we heard screeching sounds of car tyres and gunshots we all got up and rushed to the window. It was Nkosiyabo nothing surprising to what he did you could tell how angry he was I mean we felt it all the way to second floor and I mean he shot someone in the early hours it was still 8pm. We watched him take the guy he shot and put him back in the trunk of his car and drive off. So clearly he was causing havoc close by and I must say I was very worried.

Nombuso ran to her phone and tried to call Nkosiyabo but he was not picking up it was as if he was a ghost or he was possessed with a spirit. A predator ready to kill whatever or whoever was in front of him. He was definitely on a killing spree and was ready to kill as many people as he can till he gets to the person behind the kidnapping of his offspring’s and the love of his life Thokozile. “ We need to go after him !” Nombuso shouted as she was grabbing her handbag. “ No he said we must not go after him “ I said. “ oh you knew where he was going and what he was going to do “ Nombuso said. “ It was quite obvious I mean I tried to stop him till he promised to blow my brain out and I wasn’t ready to die “ I said.

Nombuso sat down as she poured herself another drink I guess she realized her brother has gone insane and there is not stopping him. We carried on drinking as we made scenarios of what Nkosiyabo could be possibly doing to that poor guy till we passed out. 08:00 we were woken up by the smell of fresh coffee as Ntsika was up already looking horrendous as usual after a night of drinking. “ Morning bro” I said. “ Hey bro did I make noise I have the worst hangover" Ntsika said. “ No man the smell of coffee work me up make a cup for me please I also have a hangover from hell. I wish I can have something fatty and spicy too. Want to wake Nombuso and we go get breakfast? “ I said.

“ I’ll wake  Nombuso up but I’ll have to miss breakfast because I have to go to my dramatic boyfriend he has been blowing up my phone since last night I am not happy about that" Ntsika said. “ Cool just wake her up I’ll shower so long" I said. I got up and hit the shower when Ntsika walked in and said “ Bro Nombuso isn’t in the room" . “ what do you mean she is not in the room?” I asked as I stopped the water from running . “ I mean she is not here and her handbag is not there “ Ntsika said. That could only mean one thing she had decided to go search for Nkosiyabo we tried calling her phone multiple times it just went to voicemail. Ntsika rushed to the lobby to ask if they had seen her and they said they saw her catch a cab.

“ Where could she be? “ I asked Ntsika  he shrugged his shoulders. We decided to go back to the room to search if she could have left something that would give us a clue where she went. After an hour of searching we heard the door opening and we went to the sitting area , it was Nombuso with shopping bags and  plastics full of more booze and she brought breakfast “  Are you guys going to just stand there come help me boys" Nombuso said. I went to her “ where were you ? We were worried sick thinking you went after Nkosiyabo “ I said. “ Uhm brother I’m not stupid I don’t want to die “ Nombuso said.

 Well that was a relief Ntsika decided to stay for breakfast his dramatic lover could wait another hour. I on the other hand was still worried because I had yet another taste of how it feels to lose a sibling well at least I thought I did I also was worried about Nkosiyabo I wanted to go find him so bad but I did not even know where to start. While we were having our breakfast actually no as we were curing our  bad ass hangovers we heard again the sound of car tyres screeching it was Thokozile and the four little pests.  They ran up to our room by the time they got there we had been standing by the door ready to welcome him but their faces were those of panicking and scared people they got in and we closed the door behind them.” Sqwiza (sister in-law) what is  happening?” Nombuso asked. She just started crying hysterically as she kept uttering Nkosiyabo. She was shaking from shock as she continued to cry I went to get her water with sugar but even that wasn’t helping. We had to call the ambulance but she screamed “ Nooo they will find us, They will find us!”. She was so scared and we couldn’t do anything. “ Thokozile what happened to my brother ?“ Ntsika asked.

“ He told us to go and not wait for him he gave me the address to here and told me to drive as fast as I can . All I heard was gunshots and I just drove he was left inside where they were keeping us. He told me that you guys would know what to do.” Thokozile said. We knew that our days of living in luxury were over. We all packed up so fast and in 30 minutes we were set to go. We met Ntsika at the lobby as he was settling the rest of the bill. We got in a cab and ordered the driver to drive as we were not even sure where we were going. Ntsika suddenly got the idea that we should move to another hotel and wait it out till we know if Monwabisi’s dad was his biological father that way we could ask him to help us I mean that man was very powerful.  We all agreed.

We finally got into a new hotel with a bigger family room to fit all of us as we were busy setting Ntsikas nagging boyfriend called for the 25th time . “ Babe I don’t know why you are not here I need you why are you not here !” Monwabisi said. “ I have a lot going on now is not the time Monwabisi I will come to you as soon as I can hang in there. I have to go.” Ntsika said as he dropped the phone. We just decided to drink I think no one wanted to say so but we were very frustrated and worried about our brother. I decided to go see Jabulile I mean I had promised her I’d be back. I took a cab and within 45 minutes I got there. But I wasn’t allowed to see her apparently one of the people there had gone AWOL .I was saddened by this so I just left the books with one of the nurses.

I headed back to the hotel when I got there everyone was settled continued drinking.  We were hoping we could hear from Nkosiyabo but still there was nothing. Ntsika was not there apparently Dr Essack had called him for the results of the paternity test which was shocking because we thought they would take atleast two days. Ntsika got to the hospital and the doctor was waiting for him already with Monwabisi’s dad. “ Well Mr Dube the results are back and they say that Dr Ntabeni is your son" Dr Essack said. Ntsika let out a sigh till this day I don’t know whether he was relieved or extra scared. “ I knew it . I knew you were my son that is why I asked all those questions. “ Mr Dube said. “ If you allow it we need to do a biopsy to find out if you are a match with your father “ Dr Essack said. “ Sure but first I must speak with Monwabisi “ Ntsika said. “ Don’t worry I will speak with your brother" Mr Dube said. “ In that case let us get you prepared for the procedure right" Dr Essack said. At this point Ntsika just had to accept his new reality or it was going to deal with him just like  Alex Haley said “ Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you”.

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