The Ending

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 What do you mean Ntsika is my brother ?” Monwabisi asked. “ I mean exactly that son. We found out today he is your older brother. “ Mr Dube said. “ Ntsika is my boyfriend . Is this one of you schemes to separate us ?” Monwabisi asked. “ I wish . As we speak they are cutting a piece of his liver to see if he could possibly be a match “ Mr Dube said.

Monwabisi couldn’t comprehend what his dad was telling him but just had no choice shortly the doctor walked in to alert them that everything went well and now they had to just wait for the results.  Back at the hotel we were still hoping Nkosiyabo would reach out to us I remembered that Ntsika had made arrangements to cremate our so called parents but it seems like only Nombuso and I would be present. 

We decided to hire some security for Nkosiyabos family as we went to the funeral parlour and if you think we were dressed up for this think again because there was nothing connecting us those two I think it gave me joy to see their bodies burn into ashes call me evil but damn the past events twisted something in me.

As usual Aunty Nomarussia was the one to always find out about funeral and one to cry her eyes out in pretence and I must tell you after the cremation the first thing she asked was what we were going to do with the house and the tavern and the church even the cars saying she wouldn’t mind keeping her eye on things. Well that wasn’t surprising she was one of the vultures in the family that I was sure would celebrate internally the day Solly and Josephina would die she actually did not even carry about who killed the.

We told her we did not know it was all up to Ntsika as we walked away with the urns that held the remains of the rents(parents). “ Did you see how dramatic she was even pretending to collapse when the bodies were going into the fire “ Nombuso asked. “ I mean that wasn’t necessary we can bet she did that hoping the owner of the parlour would catch her you saw the way she was eyeing him . She is such a gold digger" I said as we giggled.  There was some silence in between.  “ So this is the ending “ I asked Nombuso as we were ready to scatter the ashes. “ This is it brother" Nombuso said. I felt like it was a goodbye to her and a goodbye to the rest of my siblings because I knew now that things were about to switch up.

When we finally got back to the hotel we found Thokozile and her bugs fast asleep we decided to go sit outside watch the starry sky as we shared a bottle of Bombay.  “ You said you found your house tell me more “ I said. “ It is by the ocean . I know how you love the ocean and how in most cases you have imagined it . That is why I want you to move in with me" Nombuso said. Before I could say anything she said “ Don’t try to say no and ruin this moment you are moving in with me I’ve purchased the house I put the offer early today and they are busy with the paperwork “ . I guess I had no choice she raised her glass and we toasted to what was about to be a new beginning.

Back the hospital Ntsika was awake and the first face he saw was his annoying boyfriends face well who was now his brother. Twisted right?. “ Is it true?” Monwabisi asked. “ Is that why you have been avoiding me? Monwabisi asked again. He did not give him a chance but Ntsika explained himself telling him that he also did not know and that it only came as a shock. Monwabisi wasn’t the type to let go and accept one could tell he wasn’t about to just accept that the love of his life was now his brother. But it is like Eleanor Roosevelt said about life she said “ If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor."

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