Part 12

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After receiving such news frustrations shot up in the hotel room and I don’t need to even say who fought because you already know and you are probably wondering where was I? . Honestly I did what I do best step back and be in my corner. I honestly did not how to feel about everything. Slowly things were falling apart. During the heated arguments the hotel phone rang and I picked up “ Give the phone to Nkosiyabo “ this man said. “ Brother someone is asking for you “ I said to Nkosiyabo. 

“ Hello who’s this? “ Nkosiyabo said. “ If I was you I would sit down like a good boy and stop fighting with my siblings because you are going to need them after what I am going to tell you. I have your 4 clones and your woman and if you hang up right now I am going to kill them one by one in front of each other” this man said. I remember my brother sitting down like a defeated bull I mean just a second ago he was ready to charge. 

“ I’m begging you please not my family I will do anything just do not harm them “ Nkosiyabo said. It was as if they had him by his balls but figuratively speaking they did because those 4 clones were technically and scientifically his sperms. “ You are going to do as I say I will call you in the next hour should this phone ring twice I’m killing one of them “ the man said before hanging up.

Nkosiyabo started kicking everything around the room before screaming “ Fuck!!!!”  and us we were like lost puppies wondering what could be wrong this time around. “ bhuty kwenzeka nton? ( brother what is happening )” Nombuso asked. “ They took my babies and the love of my life. I knew this day would come just not this soon “ Nkosiyabo said. “ Who is they? “ I asked. Ntsika laughed so hard before saying “ Wait Nkosiyabo you did not tell them? You were busy hell burnt on telling them I am gay but you did not spill your own tea? Let me update you then dear family you family.

Your brother here sells drugs in Johannesburg how do you think he was surviving? He was doing dodgy businesses , hijacking cars etc I do not know how much I have spent to get him out of the loop because he is my dear brother and I did not want him to have a criminal record but I’ve never gotten a thanks.  So what now your stupid old life is catching up on you. Do you see what I have been telling you all these years we might as well be all in shit and you know how dangerous those people are. Why the fuck did you even come home ? “ .
“If you could just shut the fuck up I’d be able to think" Nkosiyabo said. The phone rang again. “ Hello “ Nkosiyabo said. “I’m glad you are such a good boy and you take instructions. Now like a good boy that you are go to the door and you will find a gift for you. I will call you in 5 minutes” the man said. Nkosiyabo went to the door and he found a package he brought it in and it had a note written “ your old life misses you “ . He went on to open the box which contained a large amount of cocaine.  The phone rang again and this guy said “ you have 24 hours to sell that batch and should you fail to sell it all you wont be burying your mother and father but your whole family too. I hope you wont be stupid and try to involve the police I’m sure you still remember how I do things . I still can not believe you thought by coming here I wouldn’t find you . Ring ring your old life is calling you and you better pick the fuck up ! “ the man said laughing and he dropped the phone.

Nkosiyabo was going to need people to cut and bag the cocaine and who else was there for him ? Us! Now the fucked up thing was we were in a hotel and the police were watching us on top of that we were cowards.
01:00am After hearing Nkosiyabos plan out . We were still cowards.“ Please guys I need you . Please! This is my family I can not lose them too. Ntsika I know I am not your favourite person but I’m asking you please help me . This is a good plan and we wont be caught” Nkosiyabo said. Not only was I pacing but my anxiety was getting the best of me.

“ Brother I still love my career I am not about to risk it for your stupidity “ Ntsika said. “ I’ll do it I will be in the streets with you. Unlike some selfish bastards I care about my family besides I really would love to keep your big headed, bug eyed kids alive “ Nombuso said laughing. “ Ntsika and Nqaba can stay behind and do the cuts. Let’s get started right away time is money or right now someone’s life I guess “ Nombuso added. As much as this was dangerous Nkosiyabo wasn’t about to turn down help from the only sibling capable to help him as for me let’s just say I wish Josephina did not get rid of my blankie I was feeling nervous ready to shit my pants. I wish we were told to read a 1000 books I’d take one for the team with pleasure because that is my way of escaping from the solace of this world.

After hours of cutting and packaging the product Nkosiyabo and Nombuso were ready to go out there and work to the bone to get Nkosiyabos family but I just wondered what if the kidnappers were just beginning with their demands because as soon as they had reached the amount of money the kidnappers wanted from Nkosiyabo they always sent us more cocaine kept us so busy that we forgot we had a sister awaiting trial and two bodies to bury . Well I did not forget I was just trying to avoid reaching the end of everything.  Saying goodbye to Jabulile, meeting the rest of the family during the funeral of Solly and Josephina because I can assure you they were ready to milk us for everything we had well everything Solly and Josephina had. I think I wanted this drug operation to continue because I was low-key good with numbers and had established a strategy to make us money on the side to start over. By us I meant my 4 siblings well hopefully they were.

“ Guys we have been doing this for days and no one has thought of going to see Jabulile, we have two bodies we need to bury we have not told the rest of the family “ I said. “ What’s  the point no one checks on us I suggest we just bury my parents on our own I will pay for everything.  Better yet I just think they should be cremated I just don’t have the energy to plan a funeral that will turn into a feeding scheme" Ntsika said. No one was going to disagree with him they were his parents anyway we just did not care whether they were going to be buried or burnt. “ About Jabulile ? Are we ready for what is to come because we know Stein will lose the case “ I said with a very worried tone. “ Not if we show the court how our so called parents were such horrible parents we can start by exposing the fact that they actually kidnapped us and luckily that file with proof is right here it’s always been in Jabuliles bag.” Nombuso said. “ Woah wait kidnap? What are you guys talking about ? Who got kidnapped who ?  My parents would never do that. “ Ntsika said. “ Boy sit down and we will show you “ Nombuso said. “ Nqaba are you ready to know the truth now ? We need to know brother before the entire world knows because Jabuliles case is going to be big so it’s now or never.  “ Nkosiyabo asked. 

I had to take a moment and breathe “ Yes I am ready “ I said. Before Nombuso could open the file the phone rang and Ntsika jumped because we all knew what that meant that the kidnappers were demanding more from us. But when Ntsika picked up it was his boyfriend. His boyfriends father was sick and hospitalized he was crying hysterically and Ntsika was trying to calm him down the entire time and promised that he will come right away. “ I’m sorry guys I have to go I have to be there for my boyfriend you can carry on and brief me later" Ntsika said as he rushed out of the door. “ Let us do this guys Nkosiyabo open up the file “ I said. As I had mention that we had discovered articles and our birth certificates.  We also discovered pictures of us as young kids back at home that were taken either when we were together or alone walking in the streets it was as if we were stalked like we were hand picked. My emotions were all over the place I was feeling a lot just from a photograph it was as Aaron Siskind said about photographs that “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

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