Part 15

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As we were laying on the grass just like old times soaking up the sun there was suddenly a shadow covering the sun and this person said “ I knew I’d find you guys here" . We opened our eyes and it was Ntsika. “ Can I join in? “ Ntsika said. “ Sure “ I said as I moved making space for him. We were laying in silence when he said “ I just got back from the hospital.  I just found out my boyfriends father is my biological father so that means Solly wasn’t my father. I don’t know how to feel" Ntsika said.

All of us sat up at once shocked by this new development and we looked at Ntsika as he was still laying down. “ Wait wait are telling me that the story Monwabisi’s dad told you about was actually about you ? “ I asked. “ Yes. Josephina ran away from him and hid me from him all these years.” Ntsika said. “ Uhm I am so lost someone find me “ Jabulile said. “ Ntsikas boyfriend called the other night crying hysterically talking about his father being in hospital and being really sick so Ntsika rushed there to be with him not knowing that he will actually meet his real father" I said. “ Woah major news! “ Nombuso said. “ Wait how did you find out he is your father ? “ I asked.

“ Well when I woke up I found a voicemail message from the hospital it was Dr Essack the doctor treating Monwabisi’s dad she requested that I come to the hospital urgently and that it was about my father and I was puzzled I mean my father is dead so I went to find out what this was about I thought maybe she made a mistake and that maybe Monwabisi had some complications when in actual fact I was there because Monwabisi’s dad asked for me and he told me he is my father I actually ran out but when I was outside I realized that I shouldn’t run . I decided let me take my chances and ask him to prove it and he was like let’s do a DNA test so I am waiting for the results to come back but he told me something about moms family and I guess I believe him" Ntsika said.

“Duuuude!!! Your actual dad is a politician! Maybe he can help us with Jabuliles case  I’m sure he knows people in high places" Nombuso said. “ I’m not sure if he is telling the truth sis let’s not get excited “ Ntsika said. “ I don’t need help with my case I want to pay for my sins. So I take it you are not mad at me anymore because that dog… I’m sorry but that dog was not your father right ? Jabulile said. “ He was still my father sicko!” Ntsika shouted. I could tell things were about to get heated . “ Hey guys let’s try not get into a fight “ I said. “ Okay I’m sorry Ntsika “ Jabulile said. “ I’m sorry too “ Ntsika said. We got back to laying down and watched the peachy orange sky as birds flew by and there was silence but the good kind of silence.

After a while a nurse came to us and she said visiting time was over we were actually surprised that they let us stay for that long apparently the psychiatrist saw how Jabulile was so happy to see us and the change in her behaviour that he let us stay for the day I think its because she had not had any visitors in a while and also he knew that she would be away from us for a long time. Saying goodbye had to be the hardest thing I promised Jabulile I’d come back again tomorrow  and bring her more books to read I could say I was happy that now we had one more thing to bond over than me sitting in the kitchen reading a book and watching her cook. We caught a cab back to the hotel I must say I was getting used to this life of living in a luxurious hotel but I knew that we needed to go at some point because we did not have money to maintain this new lifestyle we were introduced to.

“ Ntsika when are we doing the burial of Josephina and Solly? “ Nombuso asked. “ Well we have not even let the family know but there is no need we will cremate them even tomorrow later in the day I just have to make the arrangements then we can go back home and scatter their ashes in the garden I’m sure that’s what they would have wanted . “ Ntsika said. “ What are we going to do about that house because we all know that it holds so many bad memories ?”I asked. “ I don’t know do any of you want to live there? “ Ntsika asked.

There was some silence for a while but I knew that maybe Nombuso will want to go stay there but to my surprise she said “ no I will go exhume my child’s remains and go bury them where I will be. I’ve been saving up and I’ve been looking at some houses I think there is one I’ve found and I’m sure my baby will love it" . I don’t know but the fact that she was going to move her kids remains was unsettling but at the same time I understood her. It seems like everyone had their lives figured out besides me. Ntsika was going to go back to Johannesburg ,  Nombuso was going to buy a house, Jabulile was about to be a jail bird and Nkosiyabo was about to live with his family well that is if he successfully rescues them speaking of rescue I wonder where is he and who’s face is he messing up I thought to myself. 

We got to the hotel finally and no one thought about food if only we all ran to the bottle of whiskey that was left over from yesterday’s drinking . Ready to unwind and reflect on the day when the phone rang it was Ntsikas phone and his lover was calling. “ Babe why didn’t you come see me today yet you said you would be here for me? You know I have anxiety you cant keep doing this to me and….” Monwabisi said but as he was about to finish Ntsika stopped him and said “ Calm down babe you know I love you okay and today I went to see my sister so relax I will see you tomorrow I promise”.

“ I’m not a match so I cant donate to dad I’m so devastated  I need you now Ntsika" Monwabisi said. “ Well I’m drinking right now please I’ll see you tomorrow I promise and I’m sorry about your father. Now I love you I’ve got to go" Ntsika said as he dropped the phone. “ Oooh trouble in paradise ? Nombuso asked.  “ No man just that he can be dramatic and I’m stressing a bit because he said he is not a match so basically it could be me that is if that man is my father so I will have to go under the knife bottom line is I am scared that my reality is going to change. “ Ntsika said as he drank up and pour himself another double.

I wasn’t a fan of change either but a lot had changed and  just like Deepak Chopra said “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” . All I had to do was accept in order to be happier just like Trey Anastasio said “ Things don't go on forever, and the quicker you accept that change is inevitable, the happier you're gonna be.”

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