Part 13

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The fact that we were stripped our happy lives is very sad because just by those photographs you could tell that we were truly happy and we definitely were loved it saddens me that I was so quick to forget all of that love and warmth and happiness. While going through the pictures I came across three pictures they were family portraits and I could not believe my eyes .

It was exactly what I had been worried about it was devastating to find out that I could not speak but rather hand the pictures over to Nombuso and Nkosiyabo.  I walked away for a second I went to sit by the window because finding out we were not related was devastating for me. I mean I was okay with no being related to Ntsika but the rest of my siblings It was definitely hard to believe and very hard to accept.

“ You know that those pictures don’t mean anything we will forever be family Nqaba do not be sad” Nombuso said as she stood next to me opening her arms wanting to hug me. I just leaned towards her arms as tears burnt my eyes I think this reality paralyzed me. “ I forget you are such a cry baby . I mean I may not be related to you or Nkosiyabo and Jabulile but I still see you guys as my family" Nombuso said. “ I may not be related to you or Nombuso but Jabulile and I still see you guys as family I’m sure after  finding this out she will still feel the same “ Nkosiyabo said.”  It doesn’t matter nothing will change at least we know the truth now . Maybe we can try get our actual identification information back and go back home and find our real parents “ Nombuso said. I could imagine when we meet them after so many years. Years of pain and hope that we would one day return home . Well that time was finally here and I was more than willing to go back home .

Ntsika raced through the hospital door till he reached the waiting area where he found his boyfriend pacing. “Hey babe" Ntsika said to his boyfriend giving him a hug after seeing his devastated face. “ We were out playing golf and talking about how he wished I was straight because he has always wanted a daughter in-law the argument got heated and suddenly he just collapsed. I cant help but feel like it is my fault babe. “ Monwabisi said crying hysterically.

“ Calm down babes I am sure it is not as bad as you think . Let’s wait and hear what the doctors say okay my love ?” Ntsika said trying to calm his lover down and shortly the doctor walked in . “ Your father is stable he requested to see you . I will be with you shortly once the blood results come back” the doctor said. Ntsika was uncertain whether he should go with his lover or stay in the waiting room because this was a family thing but his boyfriend pulled him up and they went to the room where Monwabisi father was.

As soon as he walked in he was just teary as he walked up to his dads bed and held his hand “ Dad I am sorry. I am truly sorry please do not leave me you are all I have “ Monwabisi said as he was tearing up his dad took off his oxygen mask “ Thula kwedini andiyi ndawo ( boy shut up I’m not going anywhere)“ Monwabisis  father said. “ Who is your friend ? “ He added. “ This is Ntsika dad “ Monwabisi said. “ Khasiphe igumbi mfanazana( please leave the room boy) “ Monwabisis dad said.

Ntsika did not think twice he left you could say he was scared of Monwabisis dad he was a powerful man after all. “ Did the doctor say what is wrong with me ?” Monwabisi’s dad asked . “ No the doctor said she will be with us soon she is waiting for the blood re…” before Monwabisi could finish the sentence the doctor walked in. “ Right you are both you here.  Mr Dube it is as I thought you have liver failure and you need a liver transplant as soon as possible.  I’m sorry . We will start by doing a liver biopsy to check if your son is a match if he can donated a part of his liver to you. In the meantime try contact your other kids that way we can find a possible match quickly” the doctor said. “ But I didn’t agree to anything “ Monwabisi said. “ Son you just said you don’t want to lose me yet you don’t want to do the one thing that could save my life ? “ Monwabisi’s dad asked. “ At least let me think about it dad don’t just assume “ Monwabisi said. “ Doc sadly I have this one son right here. The same one I’ve done everything for but today wont save me “ Monwabisi’s dad said. “ Not that card again like I get you have done everything for but blackmail? You are pathetic “ Monwabisi said. “ You know what fine doc let’s do this “ Monwabisi added on.

“ Great let me get a bed for you and have you ready “ the doctor said as she walked out. Monwabisi walked out and went to Ntsika to tell him what was about to happen. “ Don’t worry my love I will be here waiting for you okay . Don’t stress I am not going anywhere “ Ntsika said as he was reassuring his honey. Finally the time came for Ntsikas boyfriend to be taken away to get the biopsy done. Ntsika was pacing during all of that eating his nails as he was about to go get a second cup of coffee a nurse approached him and told him that Monwabisi’s dad was asking to see him. Shocked at first then trembling he decided to go anyway.

“ Ngena nyana hlala phantsi ( get in son and sit down)” Monwabisi’s dad said. “ You look familiar like I have seen you before. Don’t tell your friend but I have a son I have no seen him in years I last saw him when he was two but his mother took him away from me. She never let me see him again. She got married and moved away out of town but I do not know where exactly. Tell me who is your mother? “ Monwabisi’s dad added on. “ I’m sorry to hear that sir. My mothers name is Josephina “ Ntsika said. Monwabisi’s dads eyes grew wide before he asked “ Josephina who ? “. “ Josephina Nodwengu" Ntsika said. Monwabisi’s dad was shocked because the woman he spoke of was Josephina there was one thing he just had to be sure of now which is the child he spoke of could it have been Ntsika.

“ Son how old are you ? “ Monwabisi’s dad asked . “ I’m turning 34 this year sir. May I ask why you are asking all these questions ? Ntsika said. Monwabisi’s dads eyes were teary as he said “ No reason in particular I just want to know who my son is hanging out with. He had found his son who was taken away from him. He had turned out to be as he imagined successful but it is the gay part that was not making him happy. But he was happy regardless of that one thing he did not like as Desmond Tutu said “You don’t choose your family; they are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”

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