Part 14

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06:00 am I hear footsteps as I open my eyes it was Nkosiyabo pacing biting his own nails as he mumbled I couldn’t make out what he was saying basically the kidnapping was making him lose his mind and I was worried because I knew what he was capable of when he was in the state he was in. Suddenly he got dressed and I woke up to stop him because I knew he was about leave. “ Go back to bed I know what you have decided and I am sure you do not want to join your sister in jail. The police will definitely start to think it was you who killed the rents ( parents) and you had Jabulile take the fall for you because she was mentally not okay. So sit your ass down “ I said. He took out a gun 9m and said “ If you don’t move out of my way I will make you meet your maker boy. My family is out there and I intend on finding them and I will definitely kill the person who is behind this . I am nobody’s bitch I wont start now. I suggest you move out of my way bro or your life will end right now!” Nkosiyabo said.

At this point I had no choice if was either that or he blows my brains all over the room. “ At least tell me your plan “ I said. “ All I can say there will be a war. Do not tell Nombuso where I went “ Nkosiyabo said as he left. I wanted to go after him but I thought again he can handle it. I just wanted to go see my sister today. I went back to bed and tried sleeping for an hour when I heard a knock at the door. I went to open and it was Ntsika he looked like a zombie never said a word he walked past me and went to his bed and crashed.

I decided it was best for me to also sleep but Ntsika said “ I went to see my boyfriends father I don’t think he likes me well he doesn’t  know I’m dating his son yet. He asked me who was n who my mother was after relaying  a story that was weird. Anyway my boyfriend did not want a biopsy done to check if he was a match so he could donate part of his liver to his dad.  I honestly don’t know how to feel about him right now but he ended up doing it but the fact that he did not want to do it at first had me worried about what could happen if I was the one there not his dad. Honestly I am worried . So how did the opening of the file go ? “ .
“ Uhm well I guess we now know who we are and where we are from" I said. “ Anything about me ? “ Ntsika asked. “ Just a photograph with your mom and a cell phone number at the back of it “ I said. “ A cell phone number? I wonder who it belongs to and why it’s there I will find out in when I wake up.  Goodnight or Good morning brother “ Ntsika said as he slept. Now I was left wondering too but all I wanted was to get some more sleep.
At the hospital Monwabisi and his dad were waiting for the results anxiously.  Monwabisi’s dad on the other hand was already making preparations should the results come back saying Monwabisi is not a match. He was searching for his long lost son calling all his connections to get Ntsikas contact details.  He had this belief that he could be a possible match. Eventually he got the details and gave them to one of the nurses to please give the doctor so she could call his son. “ Good morning Dr Ntabeni , Dr Essack here it’s about you father he really sick could you please come to the hospital immediately thank you “ the doctor said as she left a voicemail on Ntsikas phone.

Nombuso and I eventually wake up and get ready to go see our sister . We wanted to share the new developments of knowing our true selves. As we were about to have breakfast Nombuso asked “ Where is Nkosiyabo?”. “ I don’t know “ I said as I lied while praying he doesn’t do anything stupid and get himself killed. We finished breakfast and took a taxi to the psychiatric hospital Jabulile had been moved to while her case was being investigated.  We got there and I must say I was overwhelmed by the number of people with mental issues.  It took me back to a quote I once read written by Glenn Close which said “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candour, and more unashamed conversation.” And it is true if we actually spoke about the importance of mental health and how it affects a lot of people most of us would be aware of its severity.

I hadn’t seen Jabulile in a few days I did not know what’s the first thing I’d say to her I think I felt like we abandoned her at a time she needed us the most. The nurse led us to where Jabulile was sitting for the first my sister was actually reading a book. “ Hey sis “ both Nombuso and I said. “ oh my word my favourite siblings hey my babies how are you guys. I have not seen yall in days why didn’t yall visit me?” Jabulile said. “ We are fine well exhausted a lot has happened sis we have been going through a lot out there” I said. “ Come sit talk to your big sister" Jabulile said. “ Well for starters Nkosiyabos family is kidnapped and their kidnappers have been making us work to get his kids n Thokozile released.  Today I woke up and he was gone I’m afraid he will do something stupid.  “ Nombuso said. “ No way ! Oh my Lord that is horrible.  I pray he is not doing anything stupid. “ Jabulile said. “ We also finally opened up the file we are sorry for doing it without you but we now know that we are not related. You are actually Nkosiyabos sister and Nombuso and I are not related at all. Its exactly as I thought and it is exactly as I feared “ I said. “ Calm down you are still my brother no matter what kid stop stressing yourself you will start having those attacks again" Jabulile said.
“ Sis how have you been ? “ Nombuso asked.  “ Honestly I’ve been better . I’m starting to open up more therapy is helping and I do not regret what I did . I know you guys might think I am a monster but honestly I am relieved because those people will never hurt us anymore. They believe I am crazy but I know I am not. I know I am going to spend a lot of time in jail and I am prepared but this makes me sleep better at night “ Jabulile said. I did not know how to feel about this whether I must empower the statement she just said because deep down that’s also what I wanted so I just sat there at least it seems like she was ready for the consequences.  We spent half our day there just catching up and laughing just like the old times. Took me back to this other quote I once read which said “ our roots say we are brother and sister but our hearts say we are best friends “.

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