Part 7

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20:00 pm as I laid in that hospital bed I realized this was not a nice place to be in the food was horrible, the beeping machines were too much , the sound and smell of sick people was about to make me sick. I paged a nurse “ Yes Mr Ntabeni what is the matter ?” Maria asked. “ I want to go home as in right now I feel fine please get a doctor to discharge me” I said.

She gave me such an understanding face till she said “ You are going to have to wait till morning for the doctor to discharge you" . I was hopeless but then I remembered that I could request a form and discharge myself.  “ I know that I can sign a form to discharge myself “ I said. “ Yes you can and I wont stop you “ Maria said. I was happy again “ Then can I get the form and all the necessary paperwork so I can leave" I said.

Maria did not looked pleased as she walked out you could tell she was dreading the extra work I am leaving her with. As she went to find the forms I was busy getting ready to leave . She came back with a very displeased face “ You know that you will be back here in no time “ she said. “ Well I hope that day never comes" I said while filling out the papers.  In no time I was done, I called myself a cab and I did not mind waiting because all I wanted was to get home and be with my siblings that’s if they are.

The cab finally pulled up I was on my way home , the longest drive but you know what it was worth it because I had some time to revisit some things and make sense of them without overthinking this time because I wasn’t planning on proving Maria right. I took a decision to listen to some music and Jimmy Dludlus music was just what I needed for this long trip home. 01:00am I finally got home the house lights were still on it was extremely cold as I got out of the cab I could hear the laughter of my brothers and sisters just like old times I wonder who were they making fun of.

I walked through the door and all eyes were on me. “ Look who is back, did you escape from prison “, Nombuso jokingly saying . I laughed as I got in “ No I discharged myself I couldn’t stay there any longer the food was horrible “ I said. “ I forget how much of a foodie you are . There is some leftover macaroni in the fridge “ Jabulile said. “ Welcome back kiddo hopefully you wont faint on us again “ Nkosiyabo said. For the first time in a long time our home was warm the aura of our home was welcoming .

As I was warming up my macaroni I noticed someone was missing , “ Where is Josephina?” I asked. Jabulile almost dropped the glass she was holding she had that look again. It’s as if she saw a ghost . “ Since when do you call mom by name ?” Ntsika asked. “ I just felt like it we old enough.  So where is she?” I said.  “ ntwana oko ehambe ekuseni loo mfazi ( child that woman has been gone since the morning), “ Nkosiyabo said. If it’s one thing I knew for sure Josephina hated to see us happy and she loved her house more than anything so something was off . But I did not care. I sat down ate as I was catching up with my sibs(siblings) on what they got up to when they got home.

“We got home to another drama heeeeeh" , Nombuso laughing her lungs out. “ What are you on about now ?” I asked. “ Are you going to tell him Nkosiyabo.  In fact no I will . Your brother has a whole family “ , Nombuso said as she continuously laughed. I was so shocked I mean Nkosiyabo having a family it can not be “ Wait wait you mean Nkosiyabo has a family as in wife and kids “ I asked laughing.  “ eweeeee!!!! ( yes!!!!) said Nombuso as she continued laughing .

“ We got here Thokozile was sitting on our porch with four big headed kids she was gatvol ( had enough). Apparently our dear brother here left her saying he is going to find work and he will come back and marry her” Jabulile adding on as she laughed . Now I was laughing none stop because my brother was always in trouble because of that girl , he was also in trouble with her one time when he slept with her best friend if it was not that Nkosiyabo had definitely cheated but with someone else. I wouldn’t be surprised if 8 more kids would pop up with their mothers my brother was not just a problem child but a charmer very smooth with words. “ So what did you guys do seeing Thokozile?” I asked.

“ What could we have done it was a lovers quarrel and you know the third part should never be part of those. She wanted to leave the kids saying it was his turn to take care of them now she was leaving with her new boyfriend “ , Ntsika said laughing. “ I thought Nkosiyabo was going to explode at the mention of Thokozile saying she has a boyfriend the way he was so furious. They were like two dogs barking at each other I’m sure the whole village heard their business “ Jabulile said. “ Thokozile is crazy  I do everything for her but it is never enough.” Nkosiyabo said.  “ But brother how long were you going to hide the poor girl and your 4 replicas?” I asked. “ Till she learnt how to become a proper Xhosa woman “ Nkosiyabo said.  I knew then that despite the late nights of drinking and partying and sleeping with other girls Nkosiyabo loved Thokozile but as for her being a proper woman she had done that for many years but my brother was too blind to see.

Well on the brighter side I had new nephew and nieces to meet the family was growing so did my concerns about what would happen when the whole truth was out. As much as I wanted everything out in the open I was scared to lose the only family I know. But that’s just me being the overthink that I am.

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