Our Shared Strength

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*Hey everyone!
Time for the final chapter of the training arc! I'm excited because this is where the story finally gets the pace up and everything will start to fit into place.
I got a review that said Glasses Marinette was too mean and rude to be a Ladybug. Wanna clear something up with her character.
I wrote her like that on purpose. She's suppose to signify a Marinette that only focused on training and studies, one who doesn't rely on anyone else. Excelling in everything she does will make her a bit cocky and think little of everyone. Not only that, the way she treats others is a result of her believing that she is better than the rest of them. In truth, Marinette could be a whole lot worse if she didn't have loving parents, good friends, and a moral compass to follow. Plus, she holds many miraculous on her person that adds onto the weight of her responsibility. She knows she's powerful and flaunts it well.
So to the person who said she was too overpowered and mean, this is your reason. I like that you hate her, this makes her development for the better!

"Alright team, let's do this!" Bridgette called, going left with Jeannette while Marin and Marinette went right. Marie stood in the center, pointing her wand at Mari with a look of concentration.

"FORTUNA GAUDETE!" From out of nowhere, Marie summoned many large projectiles of red magic and shot it at Mari.

The glasses girl opened portals to counteract the magic, but found herself distracted by Jeannette who had her Lucky Cannon out as well.

"Let's see you dodge this! LUCKY BLASTER!" Jeannette shot out multiple balls of Ladybug shaped energy at her.

Mari forced herself to open more portals to block her attack, but a kick to the abdomen from Marin caused her to break concentration. The male Ladybug moved out the way as she got hit with those bouts of magic. A dust cloud rose up from the attacks, blocking the view from the trio.

"Don't delay or take a break! Bridgette gave us a plan and we have to follow through with this." Marin told the other two, both nodding as they awaited for Mari to rise again.


Meanwhile, the other two Ladybugs were doing their part of the plan together.

"LUCKY CHARM!" Both Bridgette and Marinette rose their yo-yo's up to activate their magic. Coming out from the shower of ladybugs was a rope and a roll of tape.

"Well this will be fun to use. I believe I have a plan on how to use these." Bridgette said, turning to her other world counterpart. "This time though, I wanna know what you would do with these objects."

Marinette looked around, activating her ladybug vision as she did so. The rope lit up along with the tape and surprisingly Jeannette of all people. Figuring out how all of these related with each other, she suddenly caught on quick on what she would do.


Mari was keeping the trio on their toes, using the Fox Mirage ability to her advantage and creating more clones of herself. Luckily, Marin and Marie managed to disperse the clones via magic and his own yo-yo. Jeannette was giving fire coverage, getting annoyed at the fact that Mari was blocking her attacks with the Turtle Shield.

Marinette landed by her while Bridgette went to help the other two. "Hey granddaughter, wanna do something incredibly stupid that just might work?"

Jeannette gave her the biggest smile. "Would I!?" Staring at Mari, she narrowed her eyes. "I've seen her use the Turtle, Horse, and Fox all while channeling the Mouse. There's just no end to how much power she's giving off."

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