Training Begins: Let's Unify Our Powers Pt.2

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Marinette was currently being flung across the room alongside Marin, Marie, and Jeannette by Mari in her new form. What was supposed to be a simple training session now turned into a brutal one sided fight between normal Ladybugs and one super enhanced combined Miraculous holder.

Said Laybug now had an outfit mixed with the powers of the turtle, horse, and fox. A shield was on  her back, shining red from the jumpsuit, a long flute adorned her side, and her glasses had a futuristic tinge to them. Fox ears sprouted from her ladybug hood while a tail came off her cape. She was only fighting them with her yo-yo and they still had trouble combating her!

"Okay, is anyone else feeling severely whipped right now?" Jeannette asked from the bottom of the Ladybug pile.

"Ask me when I can at least move my arm." Marie said, wiggling her way from under Marin with a groan. "How is she beating us when she hasn't even used her other powers yet?"

"Not my place to complain, but I wouldn't be asking about her other powers. She's just using one power to subdue us!" Marin complained, getting off the girls.

"We have to figure something out and fight with a strategy that can swindle her." Marinette said, bringing them all together. "She can use a shield, illusions, teleportation, and of course the Lucky Charm. This going to be a little tough."

"Too bad we don't have the Bee Miraculous or the Snake to figure things out." Jeannette said, laughing to herself. "Nobody uses the bee anymore, but my ex currently uses the Snake. He's good, but not that good at using it."

Marie looked like she wanted to say something, but stopped herself. "Point is, she has more powers, but imagine the strain she must be under. We can use that to our advantage."

Mari stared as the team start to formulate a plan. Had this been an actual battle, she would've blasted them to smithereens. For the purpose of this training, she let them do so. The monks were less than forgiving when she tried the same methods back at the academy.


Mari was tossed to the ground by the monk baring the turtle miraculous. Struggling from the ground, she looked up to see him charging forward. Without a moments rest, she dodged where he was about to smash the shield right at her face. The grandmaster watched her progress alongside Mullo, who fretted and worried about her safety.

"I'm worried that she may be killed before we can even get her out on the field." Mullo squeaked, flying about as she stared at Mari getting pummeled. "Can't we let have a break for a second?"

"No, she must learn to think quick on her feet. If there was ever a time she has to rely on others, she would bring them down. Worrying about the future is a thing one must learn in order to survive." The master saw Mari recovering quickly and even dodging faster than she was earlier. "Once she learns how to manage her fears and emotions, then she'll be ready to wield a miraculous."

Mullo gasped as she noticed a slight change in Mari, her eyes had gotten sharper and her reflexes more quicker. When the monk went to charge at her once more, she managed to snatch the turtle shield right from his hand. Now that she had the shield, she used it to knock him upside the head, making her the winner of the fight.

"She did it! Mari did it!" Mullo exclaimed, zipping past the grandmaster and hugging Mari on the cheek. "You had me worried for a second, but you managed to pull through! I knew I made a great choice when picking you as a partner."

Mari tapped her on the head, giving her a quick kiss. "Don't worry about me, I'm just doing my job. Helping you find your friends and saving the world is just part of my new daily routine." Turning to the grandmaster, she gave him a strict glare. "Now, what's the next part of my training?"

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