Who Am I

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Marinette blinked her eyes rapidly.

Last night's memories were blurry in her mind. She remembered meeting more superheroes like her and seeing Chat Noir among them. She shook her head at the silly thought.

More superheroes? That's highly unlikely since Chat and I are the only ones who protect Paris. She thought, leaping out of her bed and onto the floor. "Ow..."

"Your finally awake! Thank goodness!"

A red blur flew in front of her face and cuddled her on the cheek. She smiled, realizing it was her kwami friend Tikki. The small red fairy floated in front of her face and gave her a grin.

"Tikki, I think I had the strangest dream. There was a flash of light and I ended up in another dimension with other superheroes." She told her.

"That wasn't a dream Marinette, we're actually in another dimension!"

"Wait a minute...this isn't my bed is it?"

Marinette looked around to see herself in a strange bedroom. While her room at home was much larger and roomier, this one was more smaller and compact. The bed she was sleeping on was in one of the four corners and had red bed-sheets. There was a desk in the corner besides it, a laptop computer humming. The closet took up the remaining space, different outfits hanging up and down. On the ceiling, a small white chandelier hung with white crystals draped down from the arms.

"Your right, this isn't my room! But how did I get here?"

"I don't know, but your transformation wore off as soon as we got here. Then you promptly went to bed."

Marinette shook her head, trying to make sense of what was occurring. Before she could ask more, a knock came from the door.

"Bridgette, time for breakfast! You don't want to be late for school." A sweet voice called form the other side.

Bridgette? Who the heck is Bridgette? She thought, getting up off the floor. "Okay I'll be down in a minute!" She replied, waiting for the footsteps to leave. When they did, she turned back to Tikki. "I'm guessing whoever this Bridgette girl was, she must be in my universe."

"And I'm guessing she's the Ladybug that the other heroes were talking about!" Tikki finished. they both nodded and turned back towards the door. Already the smell of pancakes filled their nostrils, making their mouths water.

"Maybe I should stay here, at least until we find our way back." Marinette said, her stomach rumbling loudly.

"Okay then, but we better find a way to get back soon." Tikki worried, giving her a solemn look.

Marinette ran down the stairs, dressed in an outfit she'd found hanging in the closet of the bedroom. She was wearing a white tee-shirt with a jean jacket and short shorts. On her feet were a pair of black and white sneakers. She also managed to find a red handband to put between her pigtails. All and all, this Bridgette girl had some plain taste in fashion.

She walked into the kitchen and hitched her breath. Standing by the stove was a beautiful woman with dark blue hair similar to her own. Her hair went down her back in a wavy style. The woman wore a apron over a pink top with white capris. Her green eyes were filled with love and comfort.

"Bridgette, you look different today!" She gushed, walking over and admiring her outfit. "You finally added that headband I got for you from the store in your assemble! Your mother couldn't be prouder!"

"I believe her mother is about to burn her eggs. Do get them won't you Sabine?" An elderly voice said in a teasing manner. Marinette turned around to see an old man laughed heartily at the flustered woman. His salt and pepper hair was a bit frizzled out. He wore a red Hawaiian shirt and tanned shorts. His brown sandals were worn out and a bit broken.

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