Marietta's Fall

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*This is it! I can't believe I finally got to write this part! We finally get some answers to why Tikki Prime has gathered all the Ladybugs and their companions! I felt a need to get this off my chest first.
Thank you all for following the story thus far. It has been a blessing writing this story and getting ready for the massive climax. With season 4 of Miraculous going on, I hope I can keep up with the lore and make this story even better.
Now....on with the show!*

"Alright, no more beating around the bush. Tell us why you gathered all of us here."

The person who said this was none other than Sparrow himself. The rest of the Ladybugs and their allies were seated around a large table that was in the middle of the base. The Ladybugs were ecstatic to see their allies and greeted them accordingly. Kitty Noir pounced on Marin the second she saw him and started to purr. Marie patted her fuzzy friend, getting some happy purrs from him as well. Jeannette greeted her fellow Masked Crusader with a knowing smile, giving him a small punch on the arm. Bridgette sat between Lyra and Andre, the latter giving her a pat on the back. Javin too gave her a small smile, making a finger guns motion at her. Marinette shyly sat by Adrien, holding his hands in a gentle manner. Glasses Mari sat alone, staring longingly at all the teams. There were times like these where she would've loved to have someone from her dimension to talk with.

Tikki Prime stood at the head of the table, sighing unhappily at the words. "I guess there's no point in hiding this from you anymore."

"Then please tell us. We can't help without prior knowledge of the foe we are trying to defeat." Masked Crusader chimed in, getting a nod from his partner.

"Very well," Tikki Prime started to glow. "First off, I need to show you my true form."

The glow subsided, revealing a form that shocked the female Ladybugs. Standing there was a tanned version of Marinette, complete with red hair in ponytails, freckled face, and small antenna sticking out from her head. Her eyes were sky blue, reflecting the light that bounced off them. The group gasped at how similar she was to them.

"This raises more questions than answers." Adrien said, sitting gobsmacked at the near reflection of Marinette.

"Could be me, but why do you look like her?" Javin asked, pointing at Marinette. "Not that I'm complaining, but there was an akuma we fought that did the same thing."

"You said you were a kwami right? Like the small little creatures that occupy the miraculous bestowed upon the chosen?" Masked Crusader asked, scanning Tikki Prime. "How is it that I can see you then?"

"I can assure you that this is my true form because my kwami self is trapped within this body. The form I'm occupying is that of the good side of Marietta, my Ladybug from Dimension Omega." Tikki Prime explained, sighing unhappily. "A version of Marinette that...well I guess it would be easier to explain."

"Why? What happened to Marietta?" Glasses Mari asked timidly, worried that something bad happened.

Tikki Prime cast a sadden face before sitting down at the edge of the table. "The story I'm about to tell is one of sorrow, betrayal, and what happens when you try to release your inhibitions."


In my dimension, Marietta was a girl just like Marinette here. She was shy, impressionable, and worthy of being the next Ladybug. Master Fu had lost both the moth and peacock to Hawkmoth and wanted to find some new people to save the world.

Poor Marietta was bullied by everyone in her class, feeling scorn and mockery from her peers. Her notebooks got ripped up by jealous girls, boys would push her into lockers and hallways, and the teachers never said anything. Yet she never let them bother her. She hid her true emotions deep inside her body and never let the smile leave her face. Her parents pried and wondered if she was alright, but she kept them inside. That anger festered inside of her, but she kept going.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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