And Mouse Makes Team

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Bridgette threw up her hands, disgusted. "You know what, I give up. No more of this nonsense or craziness for me! I've had it trying to be the one that tries to please everyone and gets nothing in return. Lucky Ladybug, I think not!" She tugged on her earrings, sucking Tikki inside them as she slammed them down on the table. "All I want to do now is return home and forget everything that has happened these past years. Forget the Quantic Alliance, forget HawkMoth, and especially forget Ladybug because I'm done! I've been battered, bruised, and heartbroken to the point that I've had enough of this bullcrap! So thanks Tikki Prime, but you're going to have to count me out of your little Ladybug get together!"

And with that, she left the room. No one spoke a word as they watched her warp back to the Quantic Universe.

All of the people in the room were stunned by the reaction that Bridgette had given off. None of them knew what to say after witnessing her quitting, it put the others on the edge. Felix just stood there, stunned beyond belief on what had just conspired. All these years of him chasing after Ladybug and she was the one girl who constantly chased after him. Now he understood why Ladybug rejected him, why she claimed to already be in love with someone else. It was him the whole time and he had just acted like a jerk to her.

That was when he caught a fist to the face courtesy of Kid Mime.

" some nerve playing with her feelings like that." He growled, his hand still clenched. "After all she did for you, the countless times she sacrificed her time, and how she always spoke so highly of you! What you did to her was unforgivable!"

Mercury held him back to prevent the usually calm Mime. "Woah dude! We get that Agreste was a big jerk, but why are you taking this so seriously?"

Kid Mime sighed. "We agreed to have no more secrets on this team, so we might as well come clean as well." He dropped his Quantic form, surprising Melodie and Mercury as he switched to civilian form.

"That explains things..." Melodie whispered to herself, dropping her form as well.

Mercury stood there as he dropped his as well. "Guess that must be the reason we were all so close with each other in the first place."

Now Felix felt like more of a jerk when he saw the group of friends he had grown with were heroes in their own right too. Andre gave Felix one more glare before shaking his head at his oldest friend. Javin shifted in his shoes, not even cracking a single joke. Lyra sighed sadly, fearing this event might end their friendship.

All the Ladybugs looked at the Quantic Universe heroes with a solemn look. Little Marie stepped forward, gulping as she stood in front of the group.

"Um...excuse me..." The girl asked shyly. "But aren't you going to go get Bridgette back?"

None of them replied, not wanting to see the looks on each other's faces. Tikki Prime bit her lip, this was not what she had foreseen happening. The team was falling apart at the scene and they needed to combat against the evil Ladybugs and their master before all their worlds were doomed. Jeannette took a deep breath before walking forward to face the Quantic kids.

"Look, I've been in your shoes before, in fact I've done it once or twice over. The Ladybug gig isn't the easiest to do. I had to reveal my identity to save my family from HawkMoth in my timeline and now they're put into constant danger thanks to that." She looked away, feeling ashamed for her actions. "I knew the risks, but it was my family's lives over mine. I would choose family and friends over my identity anyday! So who cares if you know each other's secrets! You need Bridgette since she is the glue that keeps this group together! Without Ladybug, no akumas can be healed, everyone falls into despair, and no one will stop our dimensions from colliding!"

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