*Side Chapter* Chat with the Chats

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"No way, I had no idea the existence of other worlds was a real thing."
"If I hadn't seen it for my own eyes, I would've thought you were dabbling with dark magic."
"The large amount of Chat Noir in this one area is making me question how many can exist in one room at a single time. I've never seen one in action before."

While the Ladybugs were doing their own training, Tikki Prime thought it would be a great idea to get the partners to do their own training session. The Quantic Kids had their own room, Sparrow getting a separate room for himself due to his distrust for all of them. Prime opened up the multidimensional portal once more to get the partners for Marin, Jeannette, and Marie to join the Noir team.

For Catty Noir, she was ecstatic! A whole new world of possibilities were opened up for her now and she was feline fine about it all. As the only female partner of the small group, she found herself enjoying the company of all the male versions of her. Well at least Felix was hot enough to look at, but Adrien and the other one were so cute and adorable. The Android was kinda weird to get used to, but she supposed that it wasn't so odd to see a future Ladybug to have a robot partner.

Marie's partner and shape shifting cat Prince Rene was just lounging on a chair in the corner. His little witch was okay and that's all that mattered to him. Knowing that other cats like him existed was just normal for him. Fighting demons, monsters, and other various forms of powerful beings was just a normal day for him. He wondered if the others practiced magic like Marie did. He wasn't bothered by the cheerful advances that both Adrien and Adrienne were doing and allowed them to pet his body.

Masked Crusader, Jeannette's partner from the future, was just surprised that he was meeting his partner's grandfather from a younger age. He had heard stories about his heroics from Jeannette and his own grandmother, the American hero Uncanny Valley. Apparently he was the one that destroyed her body temporarily and by accident. While he was warily giving him glances, he couldn't help but wonder why they all seemed to have different personalities and powers. Did the Black Cat miraculous change due to the universe or person who used it? Then again, the miraculous was in the hands of Jeannette's ex-boyfriend, so who was he to know.

"Enough with the socializing, this is getting us nowhere." Felix complained, getting annoyed by the lack of training going on. "The multiverse is counting on us to defend and protect the Ladybugs. As Chat Noir, we have to wield the powers of destruction in a calm and coordinated manner."

Adrienne stuck her tongue out at him. "Boo, you are such a buzzkill! How in the world are you going to be a Chat with that kind of attitude." Cuddling the small cat body of Rene, she gave Felix a soft smile. "Look, as long as my prince is okay with helping out the others, I have no problems working with you. Just so you know, I have good judgement when it comes to reading people. Do you have some issues with your partner?"

"Trouble in paradise eh kitten?" Rene teased, making Felix red in the face. "Oh that look is the one. You have a problem with accountability?"

"Hey guys, let's calm down. Felix is just having a hard time due to the fact that his Ladybug was different from what he expected." Adrien explained, making the two of them smirk at him. "Not that we know who we are working with most of the time. The trust we have and the bonds we form with Ladybug is the most important thing ever."

Crusader crossed his arms. "Oh really? I heard it took you and your Ladybug ages before you finally realized your feelings for each other. Not that you aren't great at expressing your feelings, but you tend to be reckless and self sacrificing when it comes to your love for her."

"Oh my gosh, you are such a sweet guy." Adrienne said, making Adrien blush. "If my Manbug met your Ladybug, then you must have some trust knowing he wouldn't flirt with her. Although, knowing him, he probably sees her as his little sister or something."

"If he flirts with my little witchling, then I'm turning him into a toad." Rene leapt out of her arms and rubbed against her leg instead. "Then, I'm chopping his head off. Nobody touches my pure maiden."

Felix facepalm, rubbing the bridge of his nose. This is my curse at work again. I have a robot with little to no emotion, a maniac cat, a ditzy love struck girl, and a cinnamon roll with knight tendencies. Either they're all gonna die saving their Ladybugs or die by pure coincidence.

"Alright, let's get back to the matter at hand." Thank goodness for Tikki Prime walking inside with a smile on her face. "Meeting one another is quite jarring for the first time, but you all have similar powers. With the exception of Crusader, you all have destruction as a main source of power."

Rene cast the android a look. "Say tin can, what's your ability? You don't seem to have a magic bone or trinket on your body."

"First of all, do not call me that. Prejudice against machines already run rampant in the future, I don't care for it here among peers. Second, I'm a technopath, I can manipulate technology and create weapons out of metal parts. Ladybug's armored form is from my own arsenal too, created to protect her from lasers and bullets."

This made the team give him surprised looks. No wonder Jeannette considers most of them to be old school and not with the times. Her partner makes most of her artillery and weapons! Even Tikki Prime gave a sigh of relief that this guy wasn't living in her universe. Imagine if Marietta knew about him....

"Wow, I didn't see that one coming. I think Future Bug has it easier." Adrienne said, impressed by the young android. "Could you make my baton a more suitable weapon? Maybe add a little blast power or electro shock for funsies?"

"I'll see what I can do after training."

"No way, can you modify mine too? I wouldn't mind some anime aesthetics!" Adrien asked, now eagerly awaiting a new upgrade.

"I'll stick to my magic, thank you very much." Rene said, yawning loudly.

"Tikki, can we please start the training session now?" Felix practically pleaded the deity, who was just giggling at the interactions.

It's nice to see the Chat Noirs getting along so well. Tikki thought before gaining a melancholy look on her face. Marietta...if you had gotten along with your partner, would you have seen this side of him? If you hadn't gone mad, would you still have kept that smile in your face?

If I had stopped you, would your partner still be alive?

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